AirSwap Team Update: Jun. 20th, 2018

Published in
4 min readJun 20, 2018

It was an exciting month for the team after the AirSwap marketplace release and the Fluidity Summit. We’re always on the move throughout the community around the world, speaking at conferences, and hosting events at our offices here in Brooklyn.

Crypto Cantina with Galaxy Digital

We gathered at Bagatelle NYC with the local blockchain community to co-host ‘Crypto Cantina’ along with advisor Michael Novogratz’s Galaxy Digital and other innovative companies in the space. Check out the photos.

Security Token Summit

At the Security Token Summit, Khurram Dara spoke about the benefits of decentralized trading and the role decentralized trading platforms will have in the quickly developing security token market. Read more about the event.


Calvin Chan, AirSwap engineer and HackNY alum, led a Solidity workshop for some of the brightest young minds in New York. Students were able to get a look into creating and deploying smart-contracts, dipping their toes into the blockchain space.

Ethereal Summit

The day after the Fluidity Summit, Ethereal brought together “adventurous thinkers from all walks of life” to discuss the blockchain ecosystem. Frontend engineer Sam Walker demoed the AirSwap platform and gave a sneak peak of the AirSwap Node.js Trading API library now live on GitHub.

BlockFin Summit

At BlockFin, part of an industry-leading fintech conference LendIt, Maggie Hsu spoke on a panel about decentralized versus centralized exchanges. She covered the importance of liquidity, how custody works, the benefits of decentralization, and the power of atomic swaps.

NY Women’s Forum

40 professional, distinguished, New York women gathered in Brooklyn (for some of them, it was their first time to Brooklyn from Manhattan) to learn more about blockchain and crypto. Many important questions came about from perspectives rooted in experience in traditional finance and an insatiable feminine-guided appetite for knowledge and logic.

New York Blockchain & Digital Assets Summit

Michael Oved was welcomed to The New York Blockchain and Digital Assets Summit along with developers, regulators, startup founders, and digital asset fund managers. Topics ranging from liquidity and tokenization to regulatory challenges and what the future of finance looks like were covered in-depth.

Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business

Stamford was invited to Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business to showcase AirSwap to a prestigious MBA program and share with the students insights and information on the future of trading.

Upcoming meetups

The team will be on the road in Asia over the next couple weeks and hosting meetups in Hong Kong and Tokyo. Keep an eye out for details soon.

About AirSwap

AirSwap enables peer-to-peer trading on the Ethereum blockchain. Built on a decentralized protocol, traders can add or remove liquidity through a suite of trustless products that are easy to use and free. Our mission is to empower the world with frictionless trade.

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AirSwap is a developer community focused on decentralized trading systems.