Introducing the AirSwap Partner Network

Michael Oved
Published in
4 min readFeb 28, 2018

Today we emerge as a network, powered by an engine that drives both market makers and takers into many markets. We are also announcing three professional liquidity partners that are ready to trade twenty four new tokens in our Marketplace, which goes into beta on March 15th.

Blockchain technology provides us a new foundation for trade. By embracing peer-to-peer value exchange we can reconstruct marketplaces without middlemen at a global scale. Our role is to make connections, open opportunities, and facilitate this trade.

Progressing from one-to-one trades to a many-to-many network is the original vision of The AirSwap Roadmap. Having explored the dynamics between liquidity providers, applications, and everyday traders, we’ve understood their needs and what it means to develop a healthy trading network comprised of many marketplaces.

We launched our own token through the Token Launcher

Then we introduced a market maker and released the Token Trader

We will soon be introducing the Indexer to create a Token Marketplace with multiple market makers.

The AirSwap Token Marketplace: Dedicated Liquidity

Since posting the Market Maker’s Guide to Decentralized Exchange, we have received positive feedback on our design and have had numerous conversations with market makers around the world.

We are pleased to announce that three professional liquidity partners will be making trades on twenty four new tokens in the coming weeks.

Each has signed on requiring that they remain anonymous as they write to our APIs, tune their trading systems, and become familiar with the AirSwap trading environment. Collectively they will trade ADT, AST, AVT, BAT, BCPT, BRD, CND, ELF, EOS, FUN, GNO, GRID, ICN, ICX, KNC, MOD, OMG, PPT, REP, RHOC, SNT, STORM, VEN, WTC, and ZRX.

Our partners are worldwide and we’re engaging with more teams everyday. Join us to take advantage of new opportunities on a global trading network with no front-running, no race conditions, and no trading fees. Reach us at

The Partner Network connects many makers to many apps

Any participant on the AirSwap Network can signal their intent to make and take markets on the Indexer. An app announces that it intends to take a new market, a maker assesses that market, and announces its intent to make. Apps can attract new makers, and today we’re introducing a way for makers to attract new apps.

Incentives for Exponential Network Growth

The AirSwap “fill incentive” is a way for makers to compensate an app for facilitating trades.

Makers get volume

As a market maker, this is a great way to have trades filled at higher rates. We’ve been working closely with professional traders, both traditional Wall Street firms and startup quants looking to have their hand at trading in this new, global asset class. It’s been exciting and informative for us as we help to equip these teams for a world of peer-to-peer.

Apps earn tokens

As an app developer, this is a great way to monetize token apps. We’ve also had extensive conversations with app developers of all kinds including wallets, portals, portfolios, social networks, and more. As software becomes driven by tokens, trading will become commonplace. Our Apps team will soon be releasing the tools, documentation, and code samples needed to get started. If you’re a developer, we want to work with you.

The network with liquidity and usability

We’re working hard to deliver the next milestone of the AirSwap roadmap, the Marketplace. A frontend to act as a personalized order book, fetching orders from many prospective counterparties to ensure the best trade for a given token.

We’ll be opening a private beta with our existing group of testers on March 15th. We look forward to this next milestone and the exciting path ahead. We’re always looking for new bright minds to join us; be a part of building the decentralized future at

Thanks to Don Mosites for significant contributions to this post, and to Stamford Hwang for providing feedback.

About AirSwap

AirSwap enables peer-to-peer trading on the Ethereum blockchain. Built on a decentralized protocol, traders can add or remove liquidity through a suite of trustless products that are easy to use and free. Our mission is to empower the world with frictionless trade.

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