Introducing the AirSwap Token Trader

Don Mosites
Published in
3 min readNov 22, 2017

Token Trader, the ShapeShift of Ethereum, will arrive December 5th in a limited beta. An open beta will follow.

AirSwap gives you the power to trade Ethereum tokens on a global network without risking hacks or paying exchange fees. The spirit of decentralization guides us toward many bright futures, and we are driving for one of secure, scalable, and private value exchange.

Token Trader, our second product, is an end-to-end implementation of the Swap Peer and Oracle protocols, allowing us to solidify the trading experience for both market makers and traders. A strong token trading network, providing liquidity, connectivity, and reach, starts with a plug-and-play ecosystem for market makers to push trade flow through friendly frontends.

Market Maker

The market maker provides orders based on its valuation model and serves a dashboard to help operate it. Today the maker offers AST for ETH and ETH for AST. Oved will be covering more on the market maker next week.


The router transmits messages between the market maker and taker frontend. Later, we’ll offer more options including client-server and peer-to-peer. The router is written in Elixir and the Phoenix framework.


The oracle provides price data to smooth the process of making and taking orders. On the frontend, a taker is able to verify the price they’ve received. Today, the oracle provides this data as an aggregated order book.

Taker Frontend

The taker frontend is a web application that requests and fills trades received from the market maker. The frontend will feel like a ShapeShift for Ethereum tokens and is written in React and Redux.

Doing what we do best

Deepa is focused on a suite of tools and documentation to support market makers. We aim to truly understand what it’ll take for others to succeed as market makers in a world of peer-to-peer.

Link is working on continuous integration, routing, and scalability. The launch taught us a ton about operating at scale, and the efforts we’re making today will play a significant role throughout our release schedule next year.

Sam is taking the peer-to-peer trading experience to the web. The frontend work today will be used throughout our ecosystem tomorrow and beyond, as the “fill an order” use case is the final step of any trade.

Starting a beta on December 5th

Following a development sprint, we’ll be running the full stack internally to stress test, watch the logs, and squash bugs. We’re looking to start a testnet beta on December 5th with around 40 traders, and upon success, open the beta to the rest of our community.

Token Trader equips market makers and bootstraps liquidity on the AirSwap network, positioning us to expand into a marketplace and wider partner network throughout the next year. We are actively hiring and have an exciting path ahead. Join us and be a part of building the decentralized future.



Don Mosites

Co-Founder at @airswap, Co-Founder at @fluidityio