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Prototyping on and exploring the world of conversation design to the fullest!

Merihan Khaled
3 min readMar 24, 2021


If you are a conversation designer looking to prototype your flow and design using a seamless, handy platform with diverse design modes and tools, then is your go to conversational AI platform to design and build optimal conversations, test and optimize them.

The conversation design field is witnessing a boom and receiving massive celebration and interest from other fields such as UX writing, copywriting, content design and creation, and the likes. The three design modes on were created to deliver different feels and experiences to fit within the different designer/writer categories.

Designing in the Conversational Mode

The conversational mode leans more towards the writer’s POV where the designer might need to see the entire conversational scenario word by word in parallel to the training data panel as shown below;

Designing in the Classical Mode

Little contrary to that, the classical mode leans more towards the linear design style where the training data are enlisted as shown here as well;

The classical mode comes from a developer’s perspective, and hence it is very minimalistic when it comes to the conversational scenario but still very organized and logical for any designer.

Designing with the Flowchart

The flowchart mode is one of the most commonly-used and recognized design modes in conversational AI. It brings in the best of the both worlds, giving you more insights on what the conversation looks like while clearly displaying the different paths the conversation could branch out in. This gives you a better holistic visualization of the conversation with all its different scenarios.

Advantageous to many other conversational AI platforms and chatbot builders, manages to bring testing, monitoring and optimization in the same platform based on a deep understanding of the design process as an iterative one that does not stop at deploying a chatbot somewhere.

**In upcoming articles and snippets we will take you further through each phase on until the phase of integration, monitoring and optimization. So stay tuned for more soon!

