Backpacks! Backpacks! Read all about it!

Everything you need to know about the upcoming Flunks backpack airdrop.

4 min readJun 27, 2022


Going to school was dreadful for most, and there wasn’t much to look forward to aside from gym class. Mornings were spent watching the clock tick until it struck noon and it was time for lunch! Of course, this was only a short break before we all headed back to class. Whether it’s algebra, history, or biology, there was something to bring to each class.
If only there was something we could use to bring our gym clothes, lunch, books, pencils, erasers, and everything else to school and back…
There is! Backpacks!

As the Flunk High school year is set to start soon, the Flunks are anxiously awaiting to see what backpack they’ll receive. Maybe a duffel bag? A reusable shopping bag? How about a potato sack? This article will cover the details you need to know before backpacks airdrop to each Flunk before school starts.

What are backpacks?

Backpacks are NFTs that each Flunk will receive via airdrop at the end of July. These backpacks will be airdropped at random to every Flunk. It’s worth noting that we say every Flunk because we want to be clear that this won’t limit holders with multiple Flunks. If you have 10 Flunks you’ll receive 10 backpacks. If you have 3 Flunks you’ll receive 3 backpacks. You get the idea.

The purpose of a backpack

Aside from your usual book bag carrier, there are many things backpacks can do for Flunks. There’s a lot to cover so we’ll take it one point at a time.
First, backpacks will be customizable — to an extent. The backpack your Flunk receives will not be alterable itself but it will be customizable through patches and badges.

Patches, badges, and slots?

Yes! Every backpack will have spaces you can add different patches or badges to make it look the way you want. To start, every backpack that is airdropped will contain a pack of patches. This pack will contain various patches and badges that will vary in design and size. This will only be a pack of three for now, but remember, this is just the start.
Now, back to the slots. There aren’t many limitations on where you can place a patch, but there is a limit on how many patches can be placed on a backpack. (It still needs to resemble a backpack at the end of the day…)
Each backpack will have anywhere from 5 to 20 slots for these patches.

Want more backpack slots?

Backpack slots will not be set in stone. There will be ways to increase the number of slots a backpack has. (No, you still can’t have more than 20 slots)
Number one. Staking! If you’ve been around for a little while you’ll know what this is. Set your backpack away for a bit and bring it back with more slots! (Sorry, your Flunk will have to carry their books for a little while, but they’ll thank you for it.) We’ll cover more on staking in a later article.

Additional backpacks and patches

So, maybe you’re not a fan of the backpack received, you just want a fresh look, or you want to fill up your backpack with patches! We can help with that. Throughout the year there will be many ways to acquire these fresh assets. Wheel of Flunkstune pack giveaway? Sure! Finished 3rd in a game of Flunks poker? Have a patch! Christmas is around the corner? Airdropped goodies! There will be many ways we implement more patches, badges, and backpacks. Whether it’s a giveaway or a fresh pack on the marketplace, we want to give you the ability to make your Flunk look FRESH.

Where will I find these new NFTs?

Aha! The big question... When these backpacks are airdropped we will have a brand new section of the website called The Lockerroom. Here you will find all your backpacks, patches, and badges. In The Lockerroom is where you will be an artist for your Flunk and place those patches ALL OVER your backpacks. Move over Cafeteria, there’s a new place in town! (well, maybe you should still chat in there)

I don’t like my backpack…

Misfits… Well, we expected this. It won’t be available from day one, but backpacks, badges, and pins will be tradeable and available on the marketplace. Just like trading snacks and lunches at school, you’ll be able to trade your patches and backpacks.

All the extra bits of info

  • All badges and patches you own may be placed on any of your backpacks.
  • Badges and patches may only be used on one backpack at a time.
  • Badges and patches may be removed from backpacks.
  • Backpacks will not appear on your Flunk, but we are working to build a photography room where you will be able to download an image of your Flunk with its backpack.

There’s a lot to read here, and more to come as well. You’ll probably have questions. Join our Discord and pop into the cafeteria and give us a shout!



Editor for

Co-founder of Flunks. Enthusiast of the NFT space. Better known as Buddsy.