Zeero — Flow’s First “No Fee” Marketplace

Published in
3 min readOct 17, 2022

This article will inform you of all you need to know about Zeero.

Zeero — An Introduction

Zeero is a new digital collectible marketplace coming to the Flow blockchain. As we await approval for listing and purchasing Dapper collectibles on Zeero, we want to give you all the info you’ll need for the full launch!
Zeero will be the first marketplace on Flow that has no marketplace fees. Like any marketplace, there will still be creator royalties to pay, but that value is up to each individual or project to decide.
With the creation of Zeero we want to allow you to buy and sell your favourite digital collectibles at the lowest cost possible, and with ease of mind.

Mission statement

“A marketplace for the people by the people.” Our goal is to build a marketplace with the premium features you want while maintaining low costs for you to maximize your potential. As a marketplace that is “for the people” we also want to empower creators both big and small. Our end goal is to offer a better alternative for digital creators to host their collections on Flow, including individual collections and generative collections supporting different file formats from 3D models to iFrames to MP4s.


Zeero operates with technology infrastructure costs. As we do not charge a marketplace fee, we have added a tipping feature that allows sellers to tip the marketplace. When using Zeero the seller will be given the option to add a marketplace tip to the transaction. Tips can be applied by a percentage of the sale price, the seller is given default options and a custom tip percentage. The maximum tip percentage we accept is 50%.

Dapper Service Charge

Zeero provides Flow with a low-cost marketplace. We don’t charge marketplace fees, but there is a small flat fixed service charge of $0.50 cost to the seller. This is known as a “Dapper Service Charge” and is paid to cover an industry-standard processing fee that is incurred by Dapper Labs directly.

How The Marketplace Powered by The Flunks Team Ties Back to Flunks

In August a Flunk marketplace named Flunk-E-Mart was set to launch. This marketplace would host Flunks and Flunk Backpacks. Various complications lead to the delay of this marketplace and ultimately lead to the creation of Zeero. The team took some time to rework the marketplace in this time and rebrand it.
“How will Flunk-E-Mart benefit Flunk holders now?”
The same way it always was planned to. The original plan was to host Flunk listings, rarities and backpack status all in one place. The launch of Zeero will allow you to do this with Flunks; and hopefully more projects in the near future. We want to create a marketplace that allows you to buy and sell your favourite digital collectibles easier, and with more tools to assist you, the user. There will be a finite amount of features Zeero has on launch, but we will look to add more features over time to make Zeero even easier to use.

We’re not done with Flunks… Additional funds from marketplace tips will go back to the Flunks CafeteriaDAO. This can be accessed by holding a Flunk.


CafeteriaDAO is part one of the Flunk clubs revamp. CafeteriaDAO will follow a similar format to the old structure of Flunk Clubs but with one main difference. There are no clubs.
CafeteriaDAO will replace clubs as one entity for all Flunks to contribute towards. CafeteriaDAO will be funded with $100,000 from the Flunks team for Flunk holders to use. Misfits, make the CafeteriaDAO yours! Brainstorm what you’d like to see happen first in the CafeteriaDAO.

More details on CafeteriaDAO soon…

Find all the latest info on Zeero on Twitter and start exploring Zeero now!

*The Dapper Service Charge amount is out of the control of Zeero. The service charge may change through the discretion of Dapper Wallet.*



Editor for

Co-founder of Flunks. Enthusiast of the NFT space. Better known as Buddsy.