Fluree 0.9.5 Release

Kevin Doubleday
Fluree PBC
Published in
2 min readFeb 7, 2019

Fluree Developers — today we are excited to announce a new set of features and fixes in our Fluree version 0.9.5 release. Take a look at our new-and-improved documentation here with guided lessons and videos.

What is different?

  • Decentralization — Fluree now fully supports Raft consensus in a decentralized permission network. More on Raft here.
  • History Queries — Query the history of changes to any flakes that match a particular pattern. More on history queries here.
  • Cross Dataset Queries — Fluree now supports queries across multiple blocks in a single dataset, as well as queries that pull in data from outside sources, such as Wikidata. More on cross dataset queries here.
  • SPARQL support — We are thrilled to announce our support for SPARQL query syntax. SPARQL is a semantic language and protocol that natively accesses and manipulates our RDF-standard data format. With SPARQL, you can combine RDF data, from the same Fluree database at different points in time, as well as from sources like Wikidata . This works much like joins in SQL, but more sophisticated and less rigid. Our implementation of SPARQL is another step towards a future semantic web 3.0, powered by decentralized, global databases. More on SPARQL here.
  • Offset — Fluree queries now support an offset parameter, which specifies how many subjects to skip before returning results. This is ideal for pagination.
  • Filter Functions in Analytical Queries — Our analytical queries now support the ability to filter triples in analytical queries. Filter function supports regular expressions, basic arithmetic, and inequality symbols. More on filter functions here.
  • Duration Support — In time travel queries, you can now use the ISO-8601 Duration format to specify results as of a certain period of time ago (i.e. 5 minutes or 10 months ago). More on duration support here.

Supplemental Features:

  • Very Simple CSV → FlureeQL Converter — Importing your data to Fluree just got easier. Take a look at it here or on the /import page of your local user interface.
  • Basic smart functions library — Our new smart function library is a great starting point to write your own functions for an application.



Kevin Doubleday
Fluree PBC

Evangelist for Fluree, a trusted, interoperable database for composable, decentralized data assets.| email: kdoubleday@flur.ee | website: www.flur.ee