Flurry Finance announcing IDO launched on CardStarter

Flurry Finance
Flurry Finance
Published in
3 min readAug 20, 2021
Flurry Finance announcing IDO Dates hosted with CardStarter

Flurry Finance is announcing the launch of IDO on CardStarter LaunchPad. The IDO will take place on 3rd September at 3:00 PM UTC time, and whitelist registration for $FLURRY on Cardstarter would start on 27th August. Further More details will be available soon.

CardStarter is the world’s premier incubator, launchpad, and insurance program for Cardano-based projects. Through Cardstarter, Flurry Finance will be connected with strategic media and marketing partners to ensure maximum network exposure. CardStarter will also be assisting Flurry Finance in accessing communities within the Cardano network, alongside the prospect of establishing new partnerships.

CardStarter is very proud, once again, to be a pioneer in the Cardano ecosystem bringing cutting edge innovation in decentralized finance to the industry. CardStarter is proud to launch this endeavor and would like to invite our community members to be a part of the project by participating in its upcoming IDO on our platform.

Aatash Amir, CardStarter CEO

In addition, Flurry Finance will be able to optimize scalability through the Ouroboros consensus mechanism and maximize security through the implementation of Plutus smart contracts.

We are thrilled to be launching under the umbrella of CardStarter. Along with cardstarter’s trusted team, and the cardano-based platform, Flurry will surely earn the momentum and the community support to lead the crypto asset management tools and pursue the mission of “DeFi for all” in our best endeavour.”

Mike Ting, CEO of Flurry Finance

About CardStarter

CardStarter is the first incubator, launchpad and insurance program for projects being built on the Cardano network. The CARDS platform is a unique and dynamic launchpad, connecting projects to early supporters and a network of key partners. The Cards Accelerator Program (CAP) team works with each project individually to establish the right connections and map marketing strategies, establishing the foundation for long-term success.

CardStarter is also differentiated by its charge to protect its supporters. CARDS provides unbiased third-party audits of every project’s code and protects IDO participants with an in-house insurance program. CardStarter is proudly partnered with X21 Digital, BlockSync Ventures, Moonwhale Ventures, Genesis Shards, Plethori, Fractal, PARSIQ, Scryptic Tech, and Longtail Financial. Once fully built, CardStarter will be an all-inclusive platform with a decentralized exchange to complement the current offerings. CardStarter also aims to be a nurturing force in the Cardano ecosystem, with hackathons and project development support being a major focus of the roadmap.

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About Flurry Finance

FLURRY is a DeFi protocol offering cross-chain yield aggregation with rhoToken, which is pegged 1:1 to its underlying stablecoin. It automatically farms for yields across different DeFi protocols without locking up funds or interest earned by diversifying DeFi product risk, resulting in lower gas fees.

With a team composed of graduates from Cornell University, Stanford University and Imperial College London, and pedigrees from JP Morgan, Barclays Capital, KBC Financial Products, Daiwa Capital Markets and Societe Generale, Flurry Finance is well-equipped to take the DeFi sector by storm.

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Flurry Finance
Flurry Finance

A team of crypto believers who tries to improve the DeFi space with better products.