Flutter SQLite CRUD

Sébastien REMY
Flutter Academy


In this flutter tutorial I will explain how to use SQLite in your Flutter projects. You will learn how to :

  • Use SQLite in your Flutter application
  • Manage your SQLite database and tables
  • Create Read Update and delete records


First take a look at the software version I used in this tutorial :

  • Flutter 2.0.6
  • Android Studio 4.2

You can also take a look to the Github repository of this tutorial here.

1. Install dependencies to use SQLite in your project

First you need to install two dependencies in your project.

  • sqflite to manage SQLite database.
  • path_provider to manage file path on device andhelp to retrieve the SQLite database file you will create soon.

To do that make this changes in the dependencies section in pubspec.yaml

sdk: flutter

cupertino_icons: ^1.0.2
## Add the 2 lines below
sqflite: ^2.0.0+3 # Needed for SQLite use
path_provider: ^2.0.1 # Needed to retrieve database file on device


