Clean Flutter Network Architecture Using Dio (2022) | Part 4 — Api Endpoint

Abdur Rafay Saleem
Flutter App Development
2 min readJul 4, 2022

Missed out on previous part? Check out Part 3 — Interceptors

Flutter Dio Networking Architecture

Api Endpoint

Create a file called api_endpoint.dart

flutter generic endpoint class

This file contains:

  1. Enums for different endpoint collections. For e.g. for StudentEndpoint
  • If we want to make a request to /students we will use BASE
  • If we want to query specific resource like /students/id we will use BY_ID
  • If we want a sub collection like /students/requests we will use REQUESTS

2. ApiEndpoint class which contains:

  • The baseUrl field, which should be passed the value of the base url of API e.g.
  • Static methods for each REST API collection.

Static methods return the path based on the enum and parameters passed. For example:

  • For getting a specific student i.e. /students/17855 we call
ApiEndpoint.students(StudentEndpoint.BY_ERP, erp: 17855)
  • For getting a student’s activities i.e. /students/17855/saved-activities
    we call
erp: 17855,
  • For students/17855/saved-activities/3 we call
erp: 17855,
extendedResourceId: 3,


We have setup a flexible and scalable solution for managing our endpoints without involving Strings. We will now move on to the final part of this guide that glues together all of this layer using an Api Service.

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Read on Part 5: Api Service



Abdur Rafay Saleem
Flutter App Development

Flutter enthusiast by day, flutter enthusiast by night. A passionate computer science student with a focus on learning new technologies.