A beginner’s guide to architecting a Flutter app

Flutter Community
Published in
7 min readJan 1, 2020


How to use the “stacked” package by FilledStacks

Beginners need a simple model to follow

UPDATE: I’ve written a new article that I consider a better introduction to state management and architecture for beginners because it doesn’t rely so much on a third-party plugin. You can read it here:

Flutter gives you a lot of freedom to do whatever you want. Sometimes that freedom can be a drawback, though, when you’re starting out. That’s certainly true for state management and app architecture.

I’m a fan of FilledStacks (Dane Mackier) and Reso Coder (Matt Rešetár) for their work in educating the Flutter community about app architecture. FilledStacks especially has designed a model of structuring apps which is accessible to beginners. The tutorials tend to be on the long side, though, and the architecture has also evolved over time. That makes it somewhat difficult for a newcomer to understand what is happening.

My goal in this article is to give you a high level understanding of how to architect you app and then some very practical guidance for doing that using the…

