Announcing EzAnimation

Simplify Animations in Flutter!

Deven Joshi
Flutter Community
4 min readJul 2, 2020


Flutter offers stunning simplicity in aspects like building UI and the overall process of app development. Some sorts of animations such as implicit animations are also very easy to use and do not require any knowledge of animating objects. However, building explicit animations in the normal way is a concern I have often heard and I decided to do something about it.


The Current Situation

Let’s first look at a normal Flutter animation that animates a square from size 0 to 100.0 to establish the problem:

Creating an explicit animation has cognitive overhead because many things are required to work together. Developers have questions and feedback such as:

  1. What is the SingleTickerProviderStateMixin?
  2. Why are controllers and animations separate?
  3. Creating a Curved animation is hard
  4. Creating a sequence is not straightforward

Introducing EzAnimation

Here’s the most basic possible animation using EzAnimation doing the same thing above:




No Ticker is required here, no AnimationController is required here, no Tween is required here, and it is very easy to supply a curve to the animation as will be shown later. (Note that this is not the most efficient type of animation, more details on that later.)

The complete code for this equivalent to the one shown in the first section is:

When multiple animations are involved, this is much easier to handle than to use multiple controllers, animations and Tweens.

Going in Deeper

Let us look at all the features and best practices associated with using EzAnimation.


Method 1: Simple

This is easy to define and does not rely upon a TickerProviderStateMixin, however, it needs to be manually stopped when navigating away as otherwise, it animates to completion regardless (Thanks to Remi Rousselet for pointing out the issue).

Method 2: Context

Passing in a BuildContext gives an option of what to do when you navigate away. By default, it stops and resets the animation. You can also change this by passing in an OnNavigate value:

This defines the behaviour of the animation when you navigate away. Note that when the animation is paused, it needs to be manually restarted.

Method 3: Vsync

You can also directly pass in a vsync parameter which takes care of your animation like a normal animation:

Note that in this case, you will need to add a TickerProviderStateMixin to your state. Also, onNavigate does not work with vsync since the Navigator takes care of the animation for you.

Using CurvedAnimations

Adding a curve to an animation is easy with EzAnimation:

You can also add a reverse curve with:

Making an Animation Sequence

When an animation needs to perform multiple steps, you can use EzAnimation.sequence() like this:

You can pass in SequenceItems and also weights: here, the animation goes from 0 to 100 in 1/3rd of the time and then back to 50 in 2/3rds.

Using a Custom Tween

When you need to use something like a ColorTween, you can use EzAnimation.tween() to supply your own Tween:

Using a Custom TweenSequence

Similarly, you can also supply your own TweenSequence with EzAnimation.tweenSequence() like:

Looking Ahead

Going forward, I intend to add more functionality and make it even easier to make more complex animations with less code and a way to chain different types of animations together.

Get the package at:

If you wish to contribute to the code:

Note that the more complex ways of the Flutter animation framework are the most efficient way to animate things, this is an attempt to simplify the process or at least provide an equivalent with the smallest performance hit.

That’s it for this article! I hope you enjoyed it and leave a few claps if you did. Follow me for more Flutter articles and comment for any feedback you might have about this article.

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Deven Joshi
Flutter Community

Google Developer Expert, Flutter | Technical Writer | Speaker