Authentication in Flutter Apps using the @Protocol

Code on the Rocks
Flutter Community
Published in
10 min readJan 24, 2021


If you’ve spent any amount of time developing mobile apps, you’re probably well aware of how public “private” data really is. Cloud databases like , , and protect their front gates with robust security measures like authentication keys, security rules, user roles, and field-specific restrictions. From the outside, these databases are fortresses with more than enough artillery to prevent people from seeing each other’s data.

The issue however, is that the castle-keepers can see everything that gets brought into the castle. Your name. Your contact info. Your personal information. It all exists on a database that is not absolutely private and that should give you pause. Below is a screenshot from a test app I made using Google’s Firestore as a database and yeah…as the owner of the database I can peruse the user records at my leisure.

Fortunately, The @ Company has developed a revolutionary solution for this privacy dilemma. Data secured using their @protocol is visible to you and the people you explicitly give access to. That’s it. Even if I created a social media app used by 4 million people, the only personal information I’d be able to access is my own. You can read more about this Absolute Privacy here.

The Goal


