Build Flutter 3.0 MacOS apps and games — DMG installer

Mariano Zorrilla
Flutter Community
Published in
4 min readMay 12, 2022


Did you heard the HUGE announcement?! MacOS (and Linux) are finally stable with Flutter 3.0!!!

Let’s build a MacOS app (without following the official docs 👀)

Flutter game running on MacOS

I’m pretty sure y’all got super excited! M1 support, MacOS stable support and tons of other goodies. But, when we check the official docs on “Build and release a macOS app” we get a super official way to build it and send it directly to the App Store… but maybe all we want to do is to generate a DMG file and that’s it. But, how we do that?

First thing first

We need Node and NPM installed in our Mac machine and you can do it, in your terminal, by typing:

brew install node

If you don’t have Brew, you can install it directly from:

The other way to do it, is by following the official site instructions:

Once you have Node installed in your machine, check the version using your terminal:

node --version

and make sure NPM is installed as well:

npm --version



Mariano Zorrilla
Flutter Community

GDE Flutter — Tech Lead — Engineer Manager | Flutter | Android @ Venmo