Codemagic is decreasing prices thanks to Apple M1 machines

Flutter Community
Published in
5 min readSep 12, 2022


  • Codemagic’s M1 Mac mini machines are now half the price.
  • With our new Pay-as-you-go plan, you will never pay more than $299/month — no matter how many build minutes and team seats you use. This plan also includes up to three concurrencies.
  • You no longer have to pay for team seats.
  • There are no hidden costs.
  • These changes are already live as of September 1, 2022!

The world is facing the highest inflation rate in ages, and Codemagic is reacting to it by… lowering its prices. These are tough times for everybody, and because we’ve benefited from some recent changes, we wanted to pass on these benefits to all developers so that you have one less thing to worry about. We have managed to optimize our platform to provide more build machines to our users for lower costs, which means that we can now offer lower prices to our users (especially for M1 machines).

We want to be transparent with our pricing — nobody should have surprises by the end of the month when receiving a bill. So, we’re trying to make our pricing more transparent and eliminate the possibility of you facing those unpleasant surprises with bills.

How Codemagic’s pricing has changed

  • We used to have a Professional plan with unlimited minutes and team seats for $299 a month and a Pay-as-you-go plan that only requires you to pay for what you’ve used. Now, we are removing the monthly Professional plan. Instead, we’re capping the Pay-as-you-go plan, which means that you will never pay more than $299/month. If you reach that $299 mark, you can just continue building without paying extra.
  • On the Pay-as-you-go plan, you’ll still pay only for what you use and never more than $299/month (unless you need four or more concurrent builds).
  • Both Free plan and Pay-as-you-go plan users can use the faster M1 machines by default. That means everyone using Codemagic will get much faster builds and consume fewer minutes!
  • The price for M1 Mac mini build machines has been cut in half — from $0.190/minute to $0.095/minute.
  • We’ve removed team seats — you don’t have to pay for team seats anymore. (Previously, each team member would have cost you $10 on the Pay-as-you-go plan.) You can now have as many devs in your team working with Codemagic as you want at no extra cost!

And the best part is that all these changes are already live as of September 1, 2022!

What’s staying the same

  • When you work on a personal or hobby project individually, you will still get 500 free build minutes every month on a Free plan.
  • There is still no monthly/annual commitment for the Pay-as-you-go plan. You pay for what you use, and you don’t pay for what you don’t use.
  • There are no upfront payments for the Pay-as-you-go plan — you’ll pay later based on your usage.
  • If you prefer fixed costs, then you can still get an annual plan with unlimited build minutes and three concurrencies for $239/month (includes a 20% discount, billed annually).

How is Codemagic able to lower its prices?

This is a question that we’ve been asked a lot. Inflation is on the rise, and many companies are increasing their prices, but we’re somehow decreasing ours. How’s that even possible?

We’ve been looking for ways to decrease prices because everything around us is getting more expensive, and people are starting to look for ways to cut costs. Obviously, we care about our users and want all of you to continue using Codemagic, so we’ve been looking for ways to cut those costs for you.

We’ve reached a point where we have so many users that we can get our infrastructure at lower rates, which means that we can pass on these savings to our users. If we are paying less for our infrastructure, then our users should also benefit from these savings.

Quite often, there’s some undersong or between-the-lines gray text in pricing changes. But we value transparency, and we are not adding any hidden costs in these changes: Codemagic is indeed just getting cheaper to use. We’re doing this simply because we can, and we care.

An example of how much you’re actually saving now

It’s been a while since the Apple M1 silicon’s release, and most developers already know the difference between Intel-based Macs and ARM-based ones. M1-based Macs are just super fast compared with Intel ones.

Nils Reichardt was building the open-source Sharezone app to compare VMs and discovered how the M1 machines reduced build times (with caching) by 68% compared with the Mac mini machines.

Let’s take Nils’s example and see how much time and money you’re saving now with the new Pay-as-you-go pricing.

With the old pricing (before September 2022)

If you had a team of three people, used a Mac mini, and did 200 builds per month, you would have paid approximately $143/month and used 2973 build minutes.

With the new pricing (starting from September 2022)

If you have a team of three people, are using M1 machines, and are doing 200 builds per month, you’ll now only pay $89/month and use 937 build minutes.

As you can see, the difference is massive!

Every month, you’ll save 34 hours and pay $54 less.


At Codemagic, we care a lot about our community — we want you to thrive, build the best apps, and get actionable feedback as fast as possible. We hope that with these new price changes, more users will be able to afford to use Codemagic’s fastest build machines and continue using our service without worrying about getting surprisingly high bills at the end of the month.

In this world of raging inflation and constantly growing prices, Codemagic remains affordable so that you can rely on it to continue building great apps and delivering them right to your users.

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