Controlling screen orientation in Flutter apps on a per-screen basis

Roman Petrov
Flutter Community


While working on the new Flutter app, I needed to make some screens appear in portrait mode only, others in landscape mode, and some should have supported both orientations. I had never done it before; all my previous apps were in portrait mode.

After quick googling, I’ve found the SystemChrome class and this question on StackOverflow. The mixins from StackOverflow answer work great until you begin to use Navigator. When you push new screens to the navigation stack, everything is fine, but when you pop, the orientation settings of the previous screen are not restored. There’s no lifecycle function like viewWillAppear in Flutter, and that screen doesn’t get any updates from the engine. I could have used a Future returned from Navigator.push, but the code would become ugly. Keeping track of all places where I need to update orientation settings is a bad idea. I needed a simple and elegant solution with as little overhead as possible.

I started developing my solution by asking myself two questions: “How can I know when the new screen goes to the stack?” and “How can I know when the screen leave the stack?” The answer was simple: use NavigatorObserver. You can add multiple observers to any Navigator, including the one created by MaterialApp.

Let’s begin with writing the function which sets the screen orientation:

To make this function simpler to use, I defined an enum with possible orientation options. You can add more options if needed. You may also want to add DeviceOrientation.portraitDown for ScreenOrientation.portraitOnly if your app is targeted to tablets too. Another reason to use your own enum is to add an abstraction level. If Flutter gets another way to handle screen orientations, you only need to change the _setOrientation function.

The next step is to create a reusable NavigatorObserver subclass:

I’m using the arguments field of the RouteSettings class to store screen orientation settings. Don’t worry; you still can pass arguments to routes. If there are no arguments, or the type of arguments field is not ScreenOrientation, functions use the default option. In this example, it’s portrait-only, but you may change it.

Okay, now everything is ready to build the app:

I don’t like hardcoded values, so I always define constants for app routes. rotationSettings is a little convenience function, it simplifies creating a RouteSettings object with arguments field set to rotation option. You may use the arguments field of the settings object passed to _onGenerateRoute to configure your widgets. I prefer to do it this way, instead of using ModalRoute.of(context).settings.arguments in the widget. However, if you’re not like me, you still can use my solution, but you will need to adapt code a bit:

  1. Create a generic class for route arguments, which will have two fields: screen orientation and a generic field for route arguments.
  2. Change didPop and didPush methods to check for the object of this class in the arguments field and then use the screen orientation field for _setOrientation call.

I’m not including the code of HomeScreen, PortraitScreen, LandscapeScreen, and RotatingScreen, because there’s no code related to the screen orientation. Everything is localized in _onGenerateRoute function. You can find the full demo app in GitHub repository.

My solution is not perfect because the screen rotation starts at the same time as route transition, which may lead to some undesired effects, but it’s good enough and worked for my app. I hope it will help some of you too. If you found a better way to implement a per-screen orientation control in Flutter, I’ll be happy to know it!



Roman Petrov
Flutter Community

Software developer and a music composer from Russia.