Create Custom App Themes — gskinner blog

gskinner team
Flutter Community
Published in
4 min readApr 2, 2020

There is a lot to like about Flutter, but one area I’m sure no one loves, is taming the Material Theme system! With over 65(!) properties, some of which, like TextTheme, break out into 10 more sub-properties is enough to make you go crazy pretty quick.

Last week we looked at how you can easily implement TextStyling, and this week we’re going to dive into Color Themes. We’ll take a look at a technique that we use to implement custom app-specific themes, while still providing Material ThemeData to the core Flutter components.

ColorScheme… helps. A bit.

To presumably help ease this pain, the Flutter team has introduced the ColorScheme class which condenses the above properties, into 13 colors.

While ColorScheme is a nice distillation of the elements of a Material Design Theme, what if you want to implement your own custom theme? Maybe you want two background colors, instead of Material’s one, or three accents, instead of two, ColorScheme alone will not really help you achieve this.

We can’t simply create our own custom theme, as so many of the core components of Flutter are Material based. We would be fighting the framework the entire time, forced to inject colors all over the place, and inevitably running up against hard-coded defaults we could not reach.

Make it work!

To meet this requirement, we use a fairly simple architecture:

  • Create a customized AppTheme class, with the specific properties you need for your theme.
  • Add an appTheme.themeData function, that will generate ThemeData (using ColorScheme as a helper!)
  • Use Provider to pass our AppTheme to the rest of the app, and at the same time, inject appTheme.themeData as the main MaterialApp theme.

Makes sense? Kinda? This will probably be easier to explain with code 🙂

First lets take a look at a simplified version of a custom theme. For the sake of example, let’s say our theme has only 1 bg, and 1 accent, and everything else is generated from that. Let’s call it the MS-DOS theme 😉

This might look like a lot of code, but there’s not much going on. Let’s take a look:

  • Lines 11–12: Because Material uses a ton of TextStyles, we use the ThemeData.dark() and ThemeData.light() constructors as a shortcut to get some default TextThemes for light or dark mode.
  • Line 13–27: We create a ColorScheme based on our own custom theme properties.
  • Line 30: Call ThemeData.from(textTheme, colorScheme) which gives us back a ThemeData.
  • Line 32: Finally, we can set any additional ThemeData properties that ColorScheme misses.

With that in place, we can simply create our two-color theme, and pass it down to the app:

And with that, we get this beautiful app!

Simplified code for that view would look like this:

You can see that we don’t have to explicitly provide Text, AppBar or Scaffold colors, that’s all being handled by the MaterialApp.theme. At the same time, if we need to access our custom theme values, they are readily available using Provider.

Note: Provider is not required for this technique. You could use InheritedWidget, a static ValueNotifier or any number of ways to pass your Theme around.

This is an oversimplified example with quite an ugly theme, but we hope this gives you some fresh ideas on how you can implement styling in your own apps. The next step would be to create multiple themes, and some sort of ThemeType system, so you can saving/load them at startup!

Also, it’s worth noting that the Flutter team are actively working on improving the current system. If you’re interested, you can view the history of this issue, and and comment on the latest proposals here:

Thanks for stopping by 🙂

