Creating inclusive apps with Flutter: Best practices for accessibility

An overview of built-in features and best practices

Carlo Loguercio
Flutter Community


Create inclusive apps with Flutter

As mobile app developers, it’s our responsibility to ensure that our apps are usable and enjoyable for all users, regardless of their abilities. Accessibility is an important consideration when building apps with Flutter, as it allows us to create apps that are inclusive and reach a wider audience.

Flutter provides a number of built-in features and best practices that developers can use to make their apps more accessible, including support for screen readers, automatic text contrast, and the ability to add semantic labels to widgets. In this article, we will explore these features and best practices in more detail, and provide examples of how to use them to build accessible Flutter apps.

We will also discuss the importance of testing and debugging your app to ensure that it is accessible. By following these best practices, we can create apps that are usable and enjoyable for all users, and increase the reach and usability of our apps.

Well, here’s a little summary of what we are going to cover:

  1. Introduction to accessibility in Flutter.
  2. Flutter’s built-in accessibility features.



Carlo Loguercio
Flutter Community

I’m Carlo and I’m a passionate Italian coder since 2009. I’m Java native speaker and I’ve never left the JAVA_HOME since I’ve met Dart and Flutter in late 2019.