Dart Aqueduct server for your Flutter app — Part 2: HTTP requests

Flutter Community
Published in
9 min readFeb 27, 2020


Handling GET, POST, PUT and DELETE requests

UPDATE: Unfortunately I have to cut this series short because Aqueduct development has been discontinued. I recommend that you don’t use Aqueduct. I believe other Dart server frameworks will come along, but there is no clear winner right now. In the meantime, check out my series on building a Dart server from scratch.

This is Part 2 in a seven part series.

  1. Getting Started
  2. HTTP requests (you are here)
  3. Database
  4. Testing
  5. Authentication
  6. Production server
  7. Flutter client app


In the last lesson you already got Dart, Aqueduct, and your IDE all set up. You also made a simple GET request from your browser to the running Aqueduct server, which returned a response back to the browser.

In this lesson you’ll learn some more ways to make HTTP requests. In addition to GET requests you’ll also make…

