Dependency Injection In Flutter

Zubair Rehman
Flutter Community
Published in
5 min readJun 16, 2019*IQQcFoHRGzR6S5A7.png


Dependency Injection (DI) is a design pattern used to implement Inversion of Control. It allows the creation of dependent objects outside of a class and provides those objects to a class through different ways. Using DI, we move the creation and binding of the dependent objects outside of the class that depends on them. This brings a higher level of flexibility, decoupling, and easier testing.

In this article, we’ll learn how to use dependency injection in Flutter using Inject (A Compile-time dependency injection for Dart and Flutter, similar to Dagger) through simple examples.

Why would you even need to use DI?

I don’t intend to go in depth in the theory of the pattern but consider the following class:

class Car {  
private Wheel wheel = Wheel()

drive() {

While there is nothing inherently wrong with the previous class it presents two main problems:

  • It’s impossible to mock the wheel to test the Car class in isolation.
  • If you had a SteelWheel and a PlasticWheel it would not be possible to interchange them without changing the consumer.

We can easily solve these issues by providing the Wheel so the car can make use of it instead, like so:

class Car() {    // database instance
final Wheel _wheel;
// Constructor
drive() {

It’s easy to see why class with many dependencies can get out of hand very fast following the first path.

Dependency Injection in Flutter

Dependency Injection is a simple pattern but often times libraries are used to abstract it away from the developer. Many of these libraries use reflection (mirrors in Dart). Flutter presents two issues, however:

  • Mirrors are disabled for performance reasons.
  • The nested nature of widgets makes it impractical to pass dependencies many levels down the tree.

We will overcome these issues by using Inject library. Inject uses the following annotations:

  • @Injector: A inversion of control container constructed from a builder or a set of modules
  • @Module and @Provides: define classes and methods which provide dependencies
  • @Component: enable selected modules and used for performing dependency injection


As there’s no package in official repository, we have to install it manually. I prefer to do it as a git package, so I’m going to define its dependencies in pubspec.yaml file as shown below:

path: package/inject
build_runner: ^1.3.0
path: package/inject_generator


What functionality do we usually expect from a DI library? Let’s go through some common use cases:

Concrete class injection

It can be as simple as this:

import ‘package:inject/inject.dart’;@provide
class StepService {
// implementation

We can use it e.g. with Flutter widgets like this:

class SomeWidget extends StatelessWidget {
final StepService _service;

Interface injection

First of all we need to define an abstract class with some implementation class, e.g.:

abstract class UserRepository {
Future<List<User>> allUsers();
class FirestoreUserRepository implements UserRepository {
Future<List<User>> allUsers() {
// implementation

And now we can provide dependencies in our module:

import ‘package:inject/inject.dart’;@module
class UsersServices {
UserRepository userRepository() => FirestoreUserRepository();


What to do if we need not an instance of some class to be injected, but rather a provider, that will give us a new instance of this class each time? Or if we need to resolve the dependency lazily instead of getting concrete instance in the constructor? I found it neither in documentation (well, because there’s no documentation at all) nor in provided examples, but it actually works this way that you can request a function returning the required instance and it will be injected properly.

We can even define a helper type like this:

typedef Provider<T> = T Function();

and use it in our classes:

class SomeWidget extends StatelessWidget {
final Provider<StepService> _service;
SomeWidget(this._service);void _someFunction() {
final service = _service();
// use service

Assisted injection

There’s no built-in functionality to inject objects that require arguments known at runtime only, so we can use the common pattern with factories in this case: create a factory class that takes all the compile-time dependencies in constructor and inject it, and provide a factory method with runtime argument that will create a required instance.

Singletons, qualifiers and asynchronous injection

Yes, the library supports all of this. There’s actually a good explanation in the official example.

Wiring it up

The final step in order to make everything work is to create an injector (aka component from Dagger), e.g. like this:

import ‘main.inject.dart’ as g;@Injector(const [UsersServices, DateResultsServices])
abstract class Main {
MyApp get app;
static Future<Main> create(
UsersServices usersModule,
DateResultsServices dateResultsModule,
) async {
return await g.Main$Injector.create(

Here UserService and DateResultsServices are previously defined modules, MyApp is the root widget of our application, and main.inject.dart is an auto-generated file (more on this later).

Now we can define our main function like this:

void main() async {
var container = await Main.create(


As inject works with code generation, we need to use build runner to generate the required code. We can use this command:

flutter packages pub run build_runner build

or watch command in order to keep the source code synced automatically:

flutter packages pub run build_runner watch

But there’s one important moment here: by default, the code will be generated into the cache folder and Flutter don’t currently support this (though there’s a work in progress in order to solve this problem). So we need to add the file with the following content:

target: “:inject_generator”
import: “package:inject_generator/inject_generator.dart”
— “summarizeBuilder”
— “generateBuilder”
— “.inject.summary”
— “.inject.dart”
auto_apply: dependents
build_to: source

It’s actually the same content as in file inject.dart/package/inject_generator/build.yaml except for one line: build_to: cache has been replaced with `build_to: source`.

Now we can run the build_runner, it will generate the required code (and provide error messages if some dependencies cannot be resolved) and after that, we can run Flutter build as usual.

Useful Resources:

You should check the examples provided with the library itself, and if you have some experience with Dagger library, inject will be really very familiar to you.

You should also check the boilerplate project implemented using inject the library

That's it for this article, if you liked this article, don’t forget to clap your hands 👏 as many times as you can to show your support, leave your comments and share it with your friends.

