Develop a full fledged Global News Flutter App in a day PART 1.

Himanshu Ranjan
Flutter Community
Published in
3 min readSep 3, 2020

Today we are going to develop a full fledged production ready news app from scratch. This app is created using a News API which is used to fetch all the news articles based on different categories Keywords.

Let’s create the Homescreen for the part 1.

Homescreen to be created.


  • A custom appbar is created i.e CustomAppBar class.
  • List of news categories like sports,finance is created with images and names.
  • HomeScreen class is created for the Homescreen below the appbar.
  • fetchnews() function is defined where all the top headlines are fetched using the API key generated from the API url.
fetchnews() async {    
var response = await http.get('');
setState(() {
var converted = json.decode(response.body);
data = converted['articles'];
isloading = false;
  • Now language translation feature is initialized using translator package.
void convert(String title, String description, String lan) {    translator.translate(description, to: lan).then((s) => 
setState(() {
translateddes = s;
ischanged = true;
translator.translate(title, to: lan).then((s) =>
setState(() {
translatedtit = s;
ischanged = true;
  • newscard widget is defined now which contains an image,description and 3 buttons for viewing full news article,translation and sharing the news.
  • Notifications feature is also setup on this page but we will be discussing it in the later parts.
  • The most important part of this homescreen page is Swiper widget which have different pages and arrows to navigate through different news articles.
itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) { return newscard(index);
onIndexChanged: (index)
setState(() {
ischanged = false;
ishindi = false;
isenglish = false;
indicatorLayout: PageIndicatorLayout.COLOR, autoplay: false,
itemCount: data.length,
pagination: new SwiperPagination(),
control: new SwiperControl(),

Let’s code for this workflow:

And that’s how the homescreen got created.


You can check my github repository for the implementation here:

That’s it for the part 1 of this NewsApp series. See you guys in the next part with further implementations.



Himanshu Ranjan
Flutter Community

Full Stack Flutter Developer | ML | Firebase | Writer.