
Flutter Community
Published in
2 min readMar 1, 2021

An alternative to documentation your widgets


How we would have the possibility of creating the documentation that shows all information about our widgets? Like to Storybook and Docz, I wanted something similar to rendering all information in Flutter.


Recently I created the initial version that provides a simple way that to document your widgets.

How to install

We need to install the doc_widget as a dependency, doc_widget_builder , and build_runner as a development dependency.



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Knowing your widgets

Here an example of a widget that we will document. Is a simple Button.

Now we will annotate our widget with @docWidget , see below:

import 'package:doc_widget/doc_widget.dart';@docWidget
class Button extends Stateless

Optional: Whether you prefer, you can provide a snippet of code that shows how to use your widget. The code should be a valid dart code.

/// ```dart
/// final button = Button(
/// 'Button',
/// onPressed: () => print('doc_widget'),
/// );
/// ```
class Button extends StatelessWidget

Now the doc_widget has sufficient to know your widget.

Generate code

Now we will use the powers of build_runner to generate our documentation. All file contains the extension .doc_widget.dart

To generate, run the following command:

flutter pub run build_runner build

This will generate a file button.doc_widget.dart that contains all information about your widget. The generated class has the name of the widget + DocWidget as a suffix. Ex: ButtonDocWidget. We will use this in the next step.

Create an application for doc_widget

You have many ways that create an application that will read and rendering the documentation. I will list two ways:

  • Running your own project with a different target.
  • Creating another application inside our project. Example: documentation

For best didactic here, we use the first approach. So, I created a file in the following path lib/doc_widget.dart that contains the following code below:

Here we use some elements that are provided by doc_widget and the file that was generated.


To view our documentation, we need to run the application above:

flutter run -t lib/doc_widget.dart

And done!

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