HumpDayQandA Recap for October 3rd

Flutter Community
Published in
2 min readOct 9, 2018

This post is the first in a series of post detailing the events of #HumpDayQandA.

Many people from the Flutter Community joined us to talk and ask questions about Flutter. Last week, we turned #HumpDayQandA into a two-day event. Wednesday was reserved for asking questions and discussion while Thursday, Simon Lightfoot lived coded an app.

Topics Discussed

We were joined by two guests from the Flutter team. Filip Hráček and Matt Carroll both joined and discussed various aspects of Flutter. Some of the topics talked about are scoped model and it’s simplicity for beginners, RXVMS, BLOC, Firebase for Flutter including the current project by member of the community, Razvan Lung. Also discussed was Flutter’s new Android View widget and embedding Android views in Flutter.

Scoped Model by Brian Egan:

RXVMS by Thomas Burkhart:


Razvan’s Firebase for Flutter (Still in development):

Android View:

The App

For part two, Simon Lightfoot recorded the making of a smooth rotation animation in Flutter. It covered interesting topic such as working with sensor data from the platform, rotations, animations and math…lots of math.

The design:

Final Product:

The recording from Thursday will be uploaded to our Youtube page sometime in the near future. To be notified, follow @FlutterComm on Twitter.

In closing, we would like to thank everyone who participated this week. We hope to see everyone again next week. Special thanks to Nilay Yener, Filip Hráček and Matt Carroll for joining us last week.

For the latest updates, be sure to follow

(scottstoll2017), (devangelslondon) and (Nash0x7E2) on Twitter. Hope to see everyone again tomorrow.



Flutter Community

Leading DevRel @getstream_io 🥑 · Editor and Admin @flutter-community 💙