Effortless Renaming in Flutter with the Rename CLI Tool v3

onat çipli
Flutter Community
Published in
3 min readOct 18, 2023


The Rename CLI Tool is a utility designed to modify your Flutter project’s AppName and BundleId across various platforms. It aims to streamline the renaming process in Flutter projects, saving developers time and effort.

Key Features

The Rename CLI Tool supports multiple platforms including IOS, Android, MacOS, Linux, Web (only app name related functionality), and Windows.

It provides a simple command-line interface to change the AppName and BundleId across these platforms.

Installation & Usage

Installing the Rename CLI Tool is as simple as running a command:

flutter pub global activate rename

To use the tool, you can run the rename command followed by the options you want to change.

For example, to change the app name, you can use the setAppName command:

rename setAppName --targets ios,android - value "YourNewAppName"

To retrieve the current AppName for a specific platform:

rename getAppName --targets ios

Similarly, use getBundleId and setBundleId to retrieve or set the BundleId for the specified platforms.

rename getBundleId --targets android
rename setBundleId - targets android - value "com.rename.new.bundleId"

For more detailed usage instructions, please refer to the README.md file in the project repository.

Best Use Cases

The Rename CLI Tool is ideal for developers who frequently need to rename their Flutter projects. Whether you’re rebranding an existing project or just fixing a typo in the app name, this tool can save you a lot of time and effort. Also you can just use after flutter create to creating your real bundleId and app name

Conclusion & Call to Action

The Rename CLI Tool is a powerful utility that simplifies the renaming process in Flutter projects. With its support for multiple platforms and easy-to-use command-line interface, it’s a valuable tool for any Flutter developer.

We invite you to try out the Rename CLI Tool and let us know what you think. Your feedback is crucial in helping us improve the tool and make it even more useful for developers. Check out the GitHub repository and the package on pub.dev to get started.

Thank you for reading this article. We hope you find the Rename CLI Tool helpful in your Flutter development journey.


Thank you for taking the time to read this article. I hope you found it informative and it helps you in your Flutter development journey. If you have any questions or would like to discuss further on this topic, feel free to reach out. Your feedback and suggestions are always welcome, as they help in refining the content and bringing more value to the community.

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onat çipli
Flutter Community

Software Engineer who enjoys creating mobile applications with Flutter and Dart