Flutter and the Command Line — a Love Story

Gonçalo Palma
Flutter Community
Published in
8 min readAug 1, 2019


Photo by Shahadat Shemul on Unsplash

Using an IDE such as IntelliJ’s Android Studio or Visual Studio Code for developing Flutter apps makes our lives easier. At a push of a button, we can deploy our app, debug it, hot-reload, etc… And although we can have hotkeys to dismiss using the mouse, it can be troublesome having to move your mouse all around the screen. Or, you just like using the terminal or are curious about it and want to know different ways to interact with Flutter.

Thankfully Flutter comes with a handy CLI (Command Line Interface) that lets us easily do the same tasks that you would on any IDE, such as $ flutter doctor which shows if everything went fine and dandy with our Flutter Installation and checks the latest updates from the Flutter Github repository.

Flutter doctor

So let’s dive into the CLI to see what we can use on an everyday basis.

Exploring the Help section

Using $ flutter help will show us a long and intimidating list of commands, such as analyze, build, channel, clean, create, install, logs, pub and run, each with a small description. But how can we use each command?



Gonçalo Palma
Flutter Community

Author, Flutter Lead Developer @Pvotal Tech. Organizer, Google Developer Expert for Flutter and Dart, Lead Flutter Developer. 🌍 https://gpalma.pt/