Flutter Animated Series (Animated Align)

Murtaza Sulaihi
Flutter Community


I received a lot of appreciation from the readers for my past stories that I posted on Medium on Flutter widgets. I wrote mostly on the most common commonly used widgets to build a Flutter app. If you have the basic knowledge of those widgets then it becomes easier for anyone to start building an amazing application in Futter.

Now Flutter has animations also, by using animated widgets you can create great fun-filled animations in your application.

What is Animated Align widget?

Animated Align widget automatically transitions its child’s from one position to another position over a given duration.

Let’s go over the constructor…

alignment: Alignment.right,
curve: Curves.easeInCirc,
heightFactor: 0.0,
widthFactor: 0.0,
duration: Duration(seconds: 3),

There isn't much in the constructor, other than 3 properties which are important that makes the whole animation work.

  1. alignment:- where initially the child widget is placed.
  2. curve:- there are 41 different types of options available.
  3. duration:- the time it will take for the alignment to change.



Murtaza Sulaihi
Flutter Community

By profession, I am a school professor and I also develop Android applications and also Flutter applications.