Flutter Community’s 10 Course Giveaway!

Scott Stoll
Flutter Community
Published in
2 min readAug 2, 2019

That’s right! You can win one of TEN sponsorships to The London AppBrewery’s course: “The Complete Flutter Development Bootcamp Using Dart”, which was actually developed with input and advice from the Flutter team itself! The course page is here:

Flutter Community wasn’t created from a single vision of what the Flutterverse should be like. It’s more like a blend of several people’s visions for Flutter Community’s future. One of those visions is to reach a point financially where we can sponsor people for things like course fees and even one day be able to help people with assistance for event expenses (especially for those in remote areas who have no in-person opportunities close to them).

Well, we can’t send anyone to Google I/O (yet), but thanks to our generous Patrons we’ve reached a point where we can start covering course fees to help people get started in Flutter!

Cool idea! How can I help FC do more of this kind of thing?

We have a Patreon! If you’re interested in helping Flutter Community’s efforts then please consider becoming a Patron of our work by following this link:

Will you do this again?

We hope to be able to do some kind of giveaway like this every month, but the money has to come from somewhere. We’re hoping enough people like the idea that they’re willing to become a Patron and help make it happen.

Here, take my money! Ummm, I mean, how do I enter?

You can enter twice, but only until 14:00 UTC on Wednesday, August 14th. Winners will be announced on #HumpDayQandA, 14 August at 18:30 UTC. You do not have to be there to win.

Here’s how you do it:

  • Reply to our announcement tweet with the titles of your five favorite articles from Flutter Community on Medium, this will get you entered once.
  • Retweeting our announcement tweet will also get you entered once.

Where’s the announcement tweet?

Right here! https://twitter.com/FlutterComm/status/1157317363248898048

So go get yourself entered! Then please consider becoming a Patron of Flutter Community so we can keep doing things like this for everyone, even those of us in the most remote areas of the world!

Thank you!

Scott Stoll, Nash Ramdial, Simon Lightfoot, Jeron Meijer, Ahmed Abu Eldahab (Mr. Flutter Bus!) and everyone else at Flutter Community!



Scott Stoll
Flutter Community

Freelance Flutter Developer | Speaker | Workshop Presenter. Organizer of GDG Cleveland. Twitter: @scottstoll2017