Are you in confusion to develop your mobile app? Have a look and Eliminate your confusion.

Why Developers Should Prefer Flutter in 2020?

Here are the advantages of Flutter in different areas that will help to develop the app easily.

Priyansh Shah
Flutter Community


Being a developer, you generally opt to build a mobile application on the top-grossing platforms like iOS and Android. For this, you need to jot down your codes in two different languages. Due to this, many tools have emerged together to make cross-platform app development a reality. Even big shots like Adobe, Microsoft, and Facebook sweat hard to do so still, every solution has its own pros and cons.

From a developers point of view, all they need is a light-pack and efficient toolkit to build high-performing mobile apps. On the contrary, the CEOs of the mobile app development companies want to shift their development process whereas developers are finding their way out to enlarge their knowledge area.

This is why Flutter’s here.

Formerly released by Google in 2018, flutter is been promoted at various forums and discussions. And, to gain wider popularity, it was released in the Mobile world congress.

So, What Exactly Is Flutter?

As we all know that flutter is Google’s owned open-source cross-platform mobile app developments SDK, still there are few things that you certainly need to have an eye on.

  • Developed and owned by Google to prevent sudden cut off from the market.
  • Dart — Its Google’s own programming language on which flutter applications are built.
  • Similar to JavaScript, it comes with in-built security options that can be disabled for the trainees or the beginners.
  • Helping mobile app developers by leveraging them with the Android Studio module and support to write flutter code in the IDE they’re in love with.

Okay! On What Factors Developers At Google Are Working Really Hard For Flutter?

  • Holding capacity to support more Firebase APIs.
  • Fixing Bugs.
  • Tools for Android Studio and Visual Studio Code.
  • Multiple Language Support.
  • All types of developers have access.
  • It comes with inline videos, charts, and ads.
  • Improvement in Documentation.
  • Support for Windows.
  • Inflation of Engine Performance.

Great! So Where Did Flutter Gained An Upper Hand?

  • Cross-platform framework
  • Mesmerizing & creative designs
  • 2D mobile app support
  • Storage, camera, and location support.
  • Full support for cross-platform app development

But Why Google Created Flutter? And Why Should You Use It?

So, looking forward to going with Flutter app development but seems a little confused? Well, the below pointers might help you decide your path;

The reasons for you to choose Flutter:

1. Web Developer:

Want to deploy the same web app/ website into the mobile application without spending a penny to learn multiple native platform languages.

2. Business:

In order to reach a more user base with a single investment, Flutter is definitely the best choice for you to invest in!

3. UI/UX Designers:

If you’re looking forward to delivering applications with factors like consistency and vision, flutter is an excellent choice for you to make!

It's hot reload feature allows the developer to build UI’s, test bugs, and fix it in a faster manner. It makes testing easier and swift.

4. Write once, run everywhere approach

It allows developers to write code once and run on both Android and iOS platforms. A big thanks to flutter as it has its own widgets and different designs to make the same applications for two different platforms.

5. Compatibility

Since widgets are a piece of application and not the platform, you’ll experience minor compatibility issues on different OS. This leads to less time spent on debugging and testing.

6. Build Performance

As Google owns its own programming language — Dart, it doesn’t require JavaScript interactions and so the development process gets swifter than before.

7. Latest Reactive Framework

Its advanced receptive system helps us to build better UI with its complete platform.

8. Build your own widget

With Google Flutter, you can simply fabricate existing widgets along with customization that empowers you to create responsive and fascinating portable applications.

Finally: How Much Does It Cost To Build A Flutter Mobile Application?

Talking about the development speed flutter takes, it’s almost 50% less as compared to the native Android and the iOS applications.

If we consider the timeline for a mobile app development company to build mobile applications, it entirely depends on no of hours it takes and the functionalities you want to get incorporated.

If you’re looking forward to building a flutter application on both Android and iOS platforms, it takes approximately 260–270 hours.

As the flutter app development is faster and secure, it saves you with a lot of money. So, if you’re looking for the platform with minimum expense, flutter is the best choice to go with.

Want To Hire A Flutter App Developer For Your Next Project?

If yes, what are you waiting for? Vacancy Technologies- one of the leading flutter app development company house skilled designers and developers who hold the on-hand experience to develop functionally rich, robust, and compatible mobile applications on all platforms. Hire flutter developer from us that meet your expectations and get your app developed at an affordable cost.

Also, read my other articles on Flutter:



Priyansh Shah
Flutter Community

Talks about SaaS, Marketing, Branding, Paid Media | Reading, Travelling & Cycling