Flutter Learning Roadmap

The bigger question?

Flutter Community
Published in
4 min readFeb 2, 2020


From where should I start learning Flutter?

Maybe the same question also circles in your mind, and here I’ll try my best to provide you a path for mastering Flutter.


You need to have some background knowledge to get a better start with Flutter. This blogpost covers this topic very well.

Do I need to install Flutter to learn it?

No, you don’t need to because Dart Pad is there for you to practice and run your code. Dart Pad is an online tool where you can pretty well build a complete App without installing a single piece of Flutter Development Tool locally.

But it’s always better to have a local tool for flutter development. So, to install Flutter locally, here are a complete set of installation steps you need to follow.

Dart Language Tour:

My very first suggestion is, Always start with basics. Before diving deep, it’s recommended to have a little know-how of Dart, the language behind the Flutter Framework.


If you are good enough with Documentation (which I prefer as it takes me less time to cover more stuff), then here is a complete Dart Language tour on dart official documentation page.

Video Resources:

And if you think you do well with video tutorials, then I’ve got this series of tutorials best to learn from.

Initial Crash Course:

To get familiar with Flutter and get good enough knowledge to dive deep into Flutter, here is a Free Short Crash Course highly recommended for all Flutter new aspirants.

Most commonly used Flutter Widgets:

Just to know about different Flutter widgets you can use in your projects later, here is a complete list of short 1minute videos about the most commonly used Flutter Widgets.

Deep Dive:

Enough about the basics, let us dive deep to explore the Flutter Horizon. For some reference, you can use these Code Labs by Flutter Google Team and the community.

If you are following me along, then at this point, you can start working on a Flutter Basic Project. And I’m pretty sure; you don’t have idea Which App to build, So I’ve got a complete list of these open source projects which you can recreate, using it as a reference when you get stuck.

Flutter open-source Projects at GitHub:

The below-added repository has a list of Flutter Open Source Projects with basic, intermediate, advance and very complex categories, all contributed by the Flutter community. And don’t forget to star this repo to get maximum contributions.

Have some little money to spend?

If you can spend as little as $10, then I’ve very much high recommendations for this Complete Flutter BootCamp. This is a fast track amazing projects based Bootcamp to master Flutter, which is also recommended by Google Flutter Team and have mentioned on their website as well.

State Management:

I would suggest following the below order to learn about state management with best resources I’ve ever found.

  1. For an introduction to State Management, go here.
  2. Then start with Provider from here.
  3. For advance things with Provider, go for Filled Stack.
  4. If you want to go with Bloc then follow Resocoder.
  5. Other then these you can also go with other architectures like State notifier, River Pod, Redux, Mobx and Getz etc.

Updates (Free Course):

The course I mentioned is now available for free at this link which has most of the content of the paid course.

Wrap Up:

I’ve tried my level best to cover all the important topics. If you think I’ve missed something to mention, then please do mention in your recommendations below in the comments.

Want to connect with me, here are social handles, including Twitter, LinkedIn, and Github.




Flutter Community

CTO AntonX | Full Stack Dev | Flutter & Node.js | DevOps | AWS