Flutter Riverpod tutorial: Timer app

Flutter Community
Published in
10 min readOct 17, 2020


Step-by-step instructions to create your second Riverpod project


This tutorial takes you through building a timer app using the Riverpod package for state management. If you haven’t completed my first Riverpod tutorial about building a Counter app, you should finish that one first since it lays the foundation and explains a lot of things that I won’t repeat in this tutorial. The purpose here is to help you solidify that foundation and build upon it.

Like last time, this tutorial presents an opinionated way of using Riverpod. Rather than giving you all of the many available options, this tutorial will only tell you one way to complete this project. Once you’ve mastered that way, you can branch out into some of the other options.

When you’re finished, you’ll have a Timer app that behaves like this:

The idea for this app was inspired by the Flutter Bloc library timer tutorial.

Let’s get started!

This tutorial is up to date for:Flutter 2.0
Dart 2.12
hooks_riverpod 0.14.0


