Flutter: The New Future of the Cross-Platform App Development

Paresh Sagar
Flutter Community
Published in
4 min readJul 9, 2019

We are living among different mobile technologies. The market for app is highly dynamic and growing at a rapid pace.

But the concept of cross-platform mobile development has revolutionized the app development process for businesses and developers as well.

In this article, we are going to discuss Google’s latest sensation Flutter which has made cross-platform app development faster and more efficient. The app built with flutter gives Native like experience without compromising the speed of the development.

Let’s process ahead and know How flutter is born?

Earlier there had other frameworks; some of them became popular others went obsolete. PhoneGap, Xamarin, React native Apache Cordova, Titanium, and more. But Flutter is in its way to become the best among all these frameworks.

The problem with other platform was their user experience. Of course, they all are fast but they lack the user experience a native app. Flutter has everything that the other framework doesn’t support. Flutter has a better speed of development and the native-like experience user are expecting.

Flutter is basically a software development kit(SDK) introduced in 2018 by Google itself and it is considered as one of the most efficient tools to build the apps quickly.

The apps made with flutter are platform independent. So the apps are made for iOS and Android with a single Codebase.

Know Why Flutter for Cross-Platform Development?

1. Same Code; Multiple Platforms

Flutter needs developers to code only once and employ it on both iOS and Android platforms. It’s possible because this tool has special widgets and unique design that make it capable to develop the same app to cater to different platforms.

Besides, this tool lays the foundation for the development of Google’s Fuchsia which is an all- New OS system under construction. It has the potential to replace Android in the future.

2. Clear Documentation

The documentation of the Flutter makes it a favorite platform among developers. It is neat and very simple in nature which doesn’t need developers to put extra effort into learning the language.

In addition, the documentation is well-organized and encompasses exclusive information and tools for cross-platform development.

3. Faster App development

Designing and developing go hand on hand. Sometimes it happens that a designer has made an amazing design for one page. But when it comes to developing the output is a little bit different than the design due to some framework inability.

But flutter excels in it. It has a feature called Hot Reload that allows the developer to check the output instantly. So that developers can change instantly what is not appropriate. Moreover, it’s a way to establish coordination between developers and designers.

Hot reload prevents developers from making modification right from scratch every time they make a change. It mostly because Flutter works on the principle of Dart which is an Object-oriented programming language.

4. Impressive Widgets

Flutter comes with a comprehensive library full of a variety of natural looking widgets. These widgets are fast and you can customize it in accordance with clients’ specific requirements.

They can be incorporated into multiple platforms and layouts to make highly portable and responsive mobile apps.

5. Compatibility with Different Operating Systems

The app made with flutter experience less or no issues related to their compatibility with various operating systems. It ultimately saves a lot of precious time for the developers which they would have to spend on debugging.

6. Themes for Different Platforms

If there is any case where there is a need for the same app, then it is different for both Android and iOS. It isn’t only in color or design. It’s much more deeply rooted.

7. Receptive Frameworks

Flutter is mostly known for building complex APIs of UI in a simple manner due to its advanced receptive system.

Moreover, its establishments’ widgets and rich formats allow developers to create 2D, UI animation, and gesture in Hassle free manner.

Flutter is a futuristic cross-platform development tool that is specifically built to make high-end mobile apps for iOS and Android tailored to suit specific business needs.

8. Lesser Coding

The Dart programming language used in Flutter language is object-oriented. It is strongly typed. The JS bridge is not necessary for Flutter, which increased the overall performance and startup time of the app.

In addition, the Ahead of time (AOT) compilation makes it possible for a dart to achieve it. Dart utilizes JIT (Just in time) compilation that enhances development Workflow. As stated earlier permitting the hot reload feature to get the UI refreshed during the process.

SEE ALSO: Facebook vs Google: The Battle of Their Cross-Platform Frameworks


However, certain concerns still persist regarding the usability of flutter. The top companies Tencent, Alibaba have been using it effectively. It looks as if flutter can immensely benefit tech-based firms, start-ups, and E-commerce firms.

Flutter is about to see a major update in the near future, let’s hope for the best.



Paresh Sagar
Flutter Community

Paresh Sagar is the CEO of Excellent Webworld , IoT, Web and Mobile App Development Company that helps startups and enterprises to enable mobility solution.