Flutter Timer with “flutter_bloc”

Felix Angelov
Flutter Community
Published in
6 min readMay 29, 2019

⚠️ This article may be out of date. Please view the updated tutorial at bloclibrary.dev.

Hey everyone! In today’s tutorial we’re going to cover how to build a timer application using flutter_bloc. The finished application should look like this:

Let’s get started!


We’ll start off by creating a brand new Flutter project

flutter create flutter_timer

We can then replace the contents of pubspec.yaml with:

Note: We’ll be using the flutter_bloc, equatable, and wave packages in this app.

Next, run flutter packages get to install all the dependencies.


Start off by creating ticker.dart. The ticker will be our data source for the timer application. It will expose a stream of ticks which we can subscribe and react to.

All our Ticker class does is expose a tick function which takes the number of ticks (seconds) we want and returns a stream which emits the remaining seconds every second.

Next up, we need to create our TimerBloc which will consume the Ticker.

Timer Bloc


We’ll start off by defining the TimerStates which our TimerBloc can be in.

Our TimerBloc state can be one of the following:

  • Ready —ready to start counting down from the specified duration.
  • Running — actively counting down from the specified duration
  • Paused — paused at some remaining duration
  • Finished — completed with a remaining duration of 0

Each of these states will have an implication on what the user sees.

For example:

  • if the state is “ready,” the user will be able to start the timer.
  • if the state is “running,” the user will be able to pause and reset the timer as well as see the remaining duration.
  • if the state is “paused,” the user will be able to resume the timer and reset the timer.
  • if the state is “finished,” the user will be able to reset the timer.

In order to keep all of our bloc files together, let’s create a bloc directory with bloc/timer_state.dart.

Tip: You can use the IntelliJ or VSCode extensions to autogenerate the following bloc files for you.

Note that all of the TimerStates extend the abstract base class TimerState which has a duration property. This is because no matter what state our TimerBloc is in, we want to know how much time is remaining.

Next up, let’s define and implement the TimerEvents which our TimerBloc will be processing.


Our TimerBloc will need to know how to process the following events:

  • Start — informs the TimerBloc that the timer should be started.
  • Pause — informs the TimerBloc that the timer should be paused.
  • Resume — informs the TimerBloc that the timer should be resumed.
  • Reset — informs the TimerBloc that the timer should be reset to the original state.
  • Tick — informs the TimerBloc that a tick has occurred and that it needs to update its state accordingly.

If you didn’t use the IntelliJ or VSCode extensions, then create bloc/timer_event.dart and let’s implement those events.

Next up, let’s implement the TimerBloc!


If you haven’t already, create bloc/timer_bloc.dart and create a empty TimerBloc.

The first thing we need to do is define the initialState of our TimerBloc. In this case, we want the TimerBloc to start off in the Ready state with a preset duration of 1 minute (60 seconds).

Next, we need to define the dependency on our Ticker.

We are also defining a StreamSubscription for our Ticker which we will get to in a bit.

At this point, all that’s left to do is implement mapEventToState. For improved readability, I like to break out each event handler into its own helper function. We’ll start with the Start event.

If the TimerBloc receives a Start event, it pushes a Running state with the start duration. In addition, if there was already an open _tickerSubscription we need to cancel it to deallocate the memory. We also need to override the dispose method on our TimerBloc so that we can cancel the _tickerSubscription when the TimerBloc is disposed. Lastly, we listen to the _ticker.tick stream and on every tick we dispatch a Tick event with the remaining duration.

Next, let’s implement the Tick event handler.

Every time a Tick event is received, if the tick’s duration is greater than 0, we need to push an updated Running state with the new duration. Otherwise, if the tick’s duration is 0, our timer has ended and we need to push a Finished state.

Now let’s implement the Pause event handler.

In _mapPauseToState if the currentState of our TimerBloc is Running, then we can pause the _tickerSubscription and push a Paused state with the current timer duration.

Next, let’s implement the Resume event handler so that we can unpause the timer.

The Resume event handler is very similar to the Pause event handler. If the TimerBloc has a currentState of Paused and it receives a Resume event, then it resumes the _tickerSubscription and pushes a Running state with the current duration.

Lastly, we need to implement the Reset event handler.

If the TimerBloc receives a Reset event, it needs to cancel the current _tickerSubscription so that it isn’t notified of any additional ticks and pushes a Ready state with the original duration.

If you didn’t use the IntelliJ or VSCode extensions be sure to create bloc/bloc.dart in order to export all the bloc files and make it possible to use a single import for convenience.

That’s all there is to the TimerBloc. Now all that’s left is implement the UI for our Timer Application.

Application UI


We can start off by deleting the contents of main.dart and creating our MyApp widget which will be the root of our application.

MyApp is a StatefulWidget because it needs to manage initializing and disposing an instance of TimerBloc. In addition, it’s using the BlocProvider widget in order to make our TimerBloc instance available to the widgets in our subtree.

Next, we need to implement our Timer widget.


Our Timer widget will be responsible for displaying the remaining time along with the proper buttons which will enable users to start, pause, and reset the timer.

So far, we’re just using BlocProvider to access the instance of our TimerBloc and using a BlocBuilder widget in order to rebuild the UI every time we get a new TimerState.

Next, we’re going to implement our Actions widget which will have the proper actions (start, pause, and reset).


The Actions widget is just another StatelessWidget which uses BlocProvider to access the TimerBloc instance and then returns different FloatingActionButtons based on the current state of the TimerBloc. Each of the FloatingActionButtons dispatches an event in its onPressed callback to notify the TimerBloc.

Now we need to hook up the Actions to our Timer widget.

We added another BlocBuilder which will render the Actions widget; however, this time we’re using a newly introduced flutter_bloc feature to control how frequently the Actions widget is rebuilt (introduced in v0.15.0).

If you want fine-grained control over when the builder function is called you can provide an optional condition to BlocBuilder. The condition takes the previous bloc state and current bloc state and returns a boolean. If condition returns true, builder will be called with currentState and the widget will rebuild. If condition returns false, builder will not be called with currentState and no rebuild will occur.

In this case, we don’t want the Actions widget to be rebuilt on every tick because that would be inefficient. Instead, we only want Actions to rebuild if the runtimeType of the TimerState changes (Ready => Running, Running => Paused, etc...).

As a result, if we randomly colored the widgets on every rebuild, it would look like:

Even though the Text widget is rebuilt on every tick, we only rebuild the Actions if they need to be rebuilt.

Lastly, we need to add the super cool wave background using the wave package.

Waves Background

Putting it all together

Our finished, main.dart should look like:

That’s all there is to it! At this point we have a pretty solid timer application which efficiently rebuilds only widgets that need to be rebuilt.

The full source for this example can be found here.

If you enjoyed this exercise as much as I did you can support me by ⭐️the repository, or 👏 for this story.

