Flutter Widget Guide — SafeArea Widget in 5 mins or less.

Annsh Singh
Flutter Community
Published in
3 min readApr 15, 2019

This is This is Part 1 in the series where I cover all the Flutter widgets that are in this YouTube playlist. I created my own widget guide which I believe will helpful to people who are new to this space. Please have a look at this GitHub project to explore all the amazing widgets.

Click here to the App available on Google Play Store. 📱

My main motive behind this series is to keep things to the point. Your time is precious, let’s not waste it and get started.

Modern Day devices (both Android and iOS) have notches. The main reason behind notches is that manufacturers are trying to find ways to shift elements from the front face of our phones. I am not a fan of the design, but there is no escaping now.

We as developers have to design our apps around the hardware. Rounded corner and notches complicate the layout of our apps.

Flutter has an interesting solution to this notch problem.

SafeArea Widget

1 | What?

Wrap your main layout with this widget to prevent unnecessary clipping and overlapping because of the notch. Yup, that’s all you have to do.

2 | Wondering how it works?

Have a look at the Code snippet below.

Below is the visual representation of the code above.

3 | Explanation

Here, we have a very basic implementation of the SafeArea widget.

We have a Column widget with 3 children — Two Text Widgets wrapped inside Container Widget (commonly used to provide padding, margin or width and height to its child widget) and a RaisedButton widget to control the top and bottom properties of the SafeArea widget. It is done simply by toggling the value of the _isEnabled variable.

The body of the Scaffold widget is wrapped in SafeArea widget with top and bottom arguments initially set to True. Now, we can observe the changes in our layout with and without the SafeArea widget by pressing the Button at the center.

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See more in the series:

Have a wonderful day 🙂



Annsh Singh
Flutter Community

Mobile Application Developer 📱 Android 💚 | Flutter 💙 Design | Create | Build stuff ⚒️ https://play.google.com/store/apps/dev?id=4716299969505523086