Flutter’s Container: This ain’t your Daddy’s div

Scott Stoll
Flutter Community
Published in
3 min readJan 7, 2019
Move Over <div>, Here Comes Container( )

It’s amazing! It’s astounding! It does everything! It slices! It dices!

Look, if this thing could wash dishes then my girlfriend would throw me out and marry the Container. So, how many should I put you down for? A hundred? Or do ya wanna buy two hundred?

Okay, but seriously, this thing really does a ton, and I see code everywhere that uses a lot of unnecessary Widgets around Containers when people could write a lot less code by using the full capability of their Containers. This results in dozens, hundreds, maybe thousands of unnecessary lines cluttering up your code, for no good reason.

Bad Dev, no Coffee for you.

Don’t believe me? Take a look around at some code, just about anywhere, and see how often you can find constructors piled on top of constructors like this:

Every Single Widget Requires Another Constructor Call

If you got rid of my comments, this is what many people look at as normal:

  • Pad the Container to get some space around it.
  • Center the Text.
  • Put some Padding around the text so it’s not touching the edges of the Container.
  • Add the text.

So how does the Container do it better?

5 Widgets on the Left, 2 on the Right… And they do the exact same thing!

Let me throw a disclaimer out there. The compiler is smart, really smart. No matter which way you write the code the compiler is going to come up with an efficient way to put all of this together in the Render Layer (that just means your app will be efficient either way). Using Containers like this isn’t going to make your code perform better, it’s going to make your code a lot easier to read, and understand. It cuts out a lot of needless clutter that does nothing but make your code hard to follow.

If you think using the Container above isn’t saving a lot of lines of code, then keep in mind this is just one Container. How many Containers do you use in an app? Hundreds?

Yeah, it’s like that.

So here are the Container’s parameters you want to pay extra attention to:

  • padding:
  • margin:
  • color:
  • alignment:
  • transform:
  • foregroundDecoration:
  • decoration:

Next, take this one step further because you can put a DecoratedBox in the decoration parameter and the DecoratedBox will give you access to all sorts of things, such as:

  • You can shape it.
  • Border and Border Radius
  • Gradient
  • Ways to blend the background.
  • Box Shadow
  • Image

So the “simple” Container will allow you to pad, color, align, transform, decorate and add margin; and using the decoration parameter to its fullest will allow you to have borders, gradients, images, box shadows, and shapes.

So like I said, “This ain’t your daddy’s <div>”, so stop wasting it by using it like one!

Scott Stoll is a Freelance Flutter Developer, Author, and Public Speaker. He is available for Freelance work and is able to travel in order to give talks, workshops, or do company training. He is the organizer of GDG Cleveland, creator of #HumpDayQandA, and an editor at Flutter Community on Medium.

Twitter: @scottstoll2017 — Email: scottstoll2017@gmail.com



Scott Stoll
Flutter Community

Freelance Flutter Developer | Speaker | Workshop Presenter. Organizer of GDG Cleveland. Twitter: @scottstoll2017