FlutterVikings 2022

Flutter Community
Published in
4 min readSep 13, 2022

Missed out on attending Flutter Vikings Oslo in person? We’ve got you covered. Atsign’s very own Chris Swan, Xavier Chanthavong, and Anthony Prakash were in attendance. Chris and Anthony gave some stellar talks on End-to-End IoT with Flutter and Dart as well as Flipping Developer Relations in the World of Flutter. We also have overall impressions of this fantastic event!

Atsign Talks

Day 1 & Thor:

Check out Chris’s deep dive into developing an end-to-end encrypted heart rate and oxygen saturation monitor using Flutter and Dart.

Here are some key takeaways highlighting the atPlatform and Flutter and Dart:

  • Common code base across different types of mobile devices and desktop applications makes front-end development cohesive and simple.
  • Atsign Flutter Widgets help developers build on the atPlatform
  • UI widgets for onboarding, gauges, etc help simplify app development:
  • IoT device management widgets for things that are used over and over.
  • Helps developers build things quickly by having components readily available.
  • Play Store, App Store, Windows Store-ready apps
  • SSH into a remote device without having any open ports with the Atsign utility, Ssh! No ports.

Day 2 & Odin:

Interested in getting involved with Developer Relations? Check out Anthony’s talk about how we’re “flipping” DevRel. He offered a new model for engaging with the amazing Flutter and Dart Developer community:

  • Significance of a truly global community.
  • A diverse and unique culture.
  • Growth of the community through the pandemic.
  • Steps to fostering great developer relations: 1. Engagement 2. Feedback 3. Self-Reflection 4. Assistance 5. Content 6. Community

Overall Impressions

By Anthony Prakash

The Omicron COVID-19 variant was ravaging through every country and literally every other person we speak to has been infected, or someone in their family or friends circle is infected. It was 4–5 weeks before the original planned date for Flutter Vikings in 2022. Majid Hajian and us kept in touch on a daily basis; ever-positive, Majid was confident that the show would go on as planned.

A couple of weeks later, with Omicron showing no signs of slowing down, the inevitable happened; the Flutter Vikings event was changed to an online event. It was the right decision given the circumstances, but everyone in the Flutter Community knew that it was an opportunity missed to meet in real life the folks we had gotten to know so well just via Zoom and Twitter and Google Meet. COVID might have played spoilsport once with Flutter Vikings, but it could never defeat it. From Atsign, Chris Swan, Xavier Chanthavong and I were the lucky three chosen to attend, and we were proud to carry our company flag for the event. We must admit that the entire company would have loved to attend if that were possible.

Given this was our first in-person event, we had so much to learn both from the event itself as well as everyone attending. We took detailed notes, and tried to give points for every aspect of the event.

Atsign Report Card

Venue: A+ (The right size for the event and plenty of room to move around)

Food: A+ (We had more food in two days at the event than what we generally have in a week)

Location: A+ (Right in the heart of the city, and walking distance from major hotels)

Format: A+ (A lot of thought went into picking the right topics and speakers)

Content: A (The speakers put in great effort and passion into the presentations)

Speakers: A+ (We had the best of the best from the community)

Online Experience: B (We are aware that this is a learning experience, but are confident that this will only get better)

Organizer: A++ Outstanding (The event was flawless from start to finish. Kudos to Majid and his team for executing the event to perfection)

The Atsign team had so much fun at the event, we met all our friends in the community, made new friends, learned a ton, and carried back wonderful memories for a lifetime. Until next time…



Flutter Community

Atsign is a team of diverse, distributed, and dedicated people. Our open-source technology provides the building blocks for Networking 2.0 experiences.