Free resources to learn and advance in Flutter

Katarina Sheremet
Flutter Community
Published in
3 min readJun 25, 2019

Hey, this is my personal collection of free Flutter resources. If I missed some great resources, please add them in comments!

Official Doc

The official documentation is the most important source for me. If I have questions, it is the first place where I look.

If you have an existing background in Android/iOS/Web/React/Xamarin, you can catch up pretty quickly with Flutter using tutorials provided below.

Google Codelabs

Video Courses

Here is only one course, because I went through it and can recommend. I’m sure there are more good courses, but I didn’t have a look at them.

Flutter Gallery app and Examples

  • Flutter Gallery - a demo app for Flutter's material design and Cupertino widgets, as well as many other features of the Flutter SDK. Find Flutter Gallery on Google Play.
Flutter Gallery screenshot

YouTube channels and Podcasts

Some channels to learn Flutter.

Youtube Videos and articles

  • What is Flutter and how it was invented
  • Flutter’s Layered Design
  • There are more videos about Flutter on Official Flutter YouTube channel:

Github repos for inspirations and more tutorials

Awesome Flutter:

Flutter on Medium

Good articles about Flutter from technology experts.

Flutter on Twitter

Good to follow for the latest Flutter news.

Flutter Community

Check out this link to join Flutter Slack, Gitter or find a Flutter Meetup! If you have Flutter questions, Flutter Community is the right place to ask.

