Functional bits in Flutter

Mattia Maldini
Flutter Community
Published in
10 min readNov 14, 2018


Recently I’ve had the need to develop simple mobile applications, demo or finished products, with the main objective being monitoring and controlling Bluetooth or WiFi devices.
Since this was a relatively new thing to me I resolved to pair it with the learning of a new framework I had heard about recently: Flutter. I’ve not used it for very long, but I can already say I’m very satisfied.

  • It’s fast and simple: developing small apps takes a matter of minutes, as opposed to the long coding sessions I remember from Android Studio. You think of a feature, you add it, on to the next
  • High level: you don’t have to manage 100 callbacks at a time just to ask the permission to save files. Whenever you actually need to be under the hood you can always write native code (which is no more a hassle than going full native)
  • Multi-platform: I’ve yet to compile my code for Apple, but it shouldn’t be too hard. Free compatibility, yay!
  • Layout and code are the same thing, as in you can define the layout in Dart: I love having my GUI and the code behind it in the same place. I don’t need business logic separation when I have a label and 3 buttons, and when building bigger applications I can structure my code just fine with one programming language, thank you.
  • You can use Visual Studio Code



Mattia Maldini
Flutter Community

Computer Science Master from Alma Mater Studiorum, Bologna; interested in a wide range of topics, from functional programming to embedded systems.