Games in Flutter — Flame & Box2D Part 1

Christian Muehle
Flutter Community
Published in
7 min readNov 30, 2019


Photo by Geeky Shots on Unsplash

I really like video games. And I like to create and develop software. So I started a lot of attempts to give game development a try, even with the fact in my mind that I can’t even draw round circles on a sheet of paper…
During the development of my Game of Life clone in Flutter (linked below) I decided to start again — I welcome you to my first series of posts about how to get “real” game done, using Flutter, Flame and Box2d.


My goal is to have at least 5 posts describing the process and the involved tools. Let’s start with the basic things you will need to get started. Besides a fully installed and working Flutter environment we will make use of the following libraries:

The game we will create will render a maze on your screen and the player will control a ball rolling through it by moving his phone (gyroscope required). The goal is to get out of the maze as quick as possible. I will explain each package along the way — let’s…



Christian Muehle
Flutter Community

From software engineering to managing director - In the maritime industry since 2011. Open Sourc & Flutter fan - Always intrested in the next big thing :)