React Native or Flutter: Which should I choose?

React Native or Flutter: Which should I choose? (Part one)

Rap Payne
Flutter Community


Two technologies for creating mobile apps are getting a lot of attention: React Native and Flutter. They have important things in common and those things are obvious: They both allow you to create native mobile apps with a single code base. Breaking that down exposes some important things:

  • You create mobile apps for iOS and Android devices as opposed to web apps or laptop programs.
  • You create truly native apps. This means apps that users can obtain from the AppStore or the Play Store.
  • You create apps with a single code base. This is known as cross-platform development, the major draw for both of these technologies.

But they also have some very significant differences and details which are far less obvious. Why are React Native and Flutter so important? Where do they fit in the world of solutions? How did they get to this point? What are their architectures? Philosophies? Major features? Advantages and disadvantages? In this series we’ll discuss exactly these things as well as diving into apples-to-apples code comparisons of a real app written in both React Native and in Flutter.

If you want to understand where React Native and Flutter fit in the big picture, read on. But if you’re already well-familiar with the mobile development space and you…



Rap Payne
Flutter Community

Twitter: @Rap_Payne. Mobile and Web app developer. Consultant, trainer, author of “Beginning App Development with Flutter” (