Ripple into page with Flutter

onat çipli
Flutter Community
2 min readMay 21, 2021


Welcome back again, Last week I saw the ripple page transitions and want to build for myself a widget to do that. So the ripple_navigation package appeared

First and easy way to do this use the package

It is pretty much straightforward and easy to use all you need to do is select a start point so widget as you guessed.

Do not forget to import the package first!

import 'package:ripple_navigation/ripple_navigation.dart';

wrap that widget with RippleLocation widget from the package, for example in my case its FloatingActionButton

rippleController: rippleController,
child: FloatingActionButton(
onPressed: onPressed,
tooltip: 'Increment',
child: Icon(Icons.add),

RippleLocation widget needs rippleController, first create the rippleController inside your StatelessWidget or StatefullWidget

GlobalKey<RippleLocationState> rippleController = GlobalKey();

So you are ready to the navigate to next page with the ripple transition, all you need to do is use the pushRippleTransitionPage method from the controller


And it is all Set up!!! You can also check the example inside the package

This is the package repository on Github, if this story hits 500 claps I will show what is going under the hood.



onat çipli
Flutter Community

Software Engineer who enjoys creating mobile applications with Flutter and Dart