Shared Preferences — How to save Flutter application settings and user preferences for later re-use?

Didier Boelens
Flutter Community
Published in
3 min readAug 27, 2018

This article describes the notion of Shared Preferences that allows a Flutter application (Android or iOS) to save settings, properties, data in the form of key-value pairs that will persist even when the user closes the application.

Difficulty: Beginner

Shared Preferences are stored in XML format.

Shared Preferences is application specific, i.e. the data is lost on performing one of the following options:

  • on uninstalling the application
  • on clear the application data

Main use

The main use of Shared Preferences is to save user preferences, settings, maybe data (if not too large) so that next time the application is launched, these pieces of information could be retrieved and used.

Overview of the API

Full documentation can to be found in the Flutter packages repository .

1. Getters

Set < String > getKeys() : 

Returns all keys

dynamic get(String key) 

Returns the value, associated with the corresponding key

bool getBool(String key)

Returns the boolean value, associated with the corresponding key. If the value is not a boolean, throws an exception.

int getInt(String key)

Returns the integer value, associated with the corresponding key. If the value is not an integer, throws an exception.

double getDouble(String key)

Returns the double value, associated with the corresponding key. If the value is not a double, throws an exception.

String getString(String key)

Returns the string value, associated with the corresponding key. If the value is not a string, throws an exception.

List<String> getStringList(String key)

Returns a set of string values, associated with the corresponding key. If the value is not a string set, throws an exception.

2. Setters

Future < bool > setBool(String key, bool value)

Saves a boolean value and associated with the key.

Future < bool > setInt(String key, int value)

Saves an integer value and associated with the key.

Future < bool > setDouble(String key, double value)

Saves a double value and associated with the key.

Future < bool > setString(String key, String value)

Saves a string value and associated with the key.

Future < bool > setStringList(String key, List<String> value)

Saves a list of string values and associated with the key.

3. Removal

Future < bool > remove(String key)

Removes the key-pair associated with the key.

Also, in any setter, the fact of passing a null value, corresponds to calling a remove(key).

Future < bool > clear async

Removes all the key-pairs linked to the application package.

How to use?


In the pubspec.yaml, add the shared_preferences to the list of dependencies, as follows:

Practical use

Example 1:

The following piece of code simulates a class that needs to deal with a user preference (e.g. allow notifications, sorting order)

Example 2:

This second example shows how to use the SharedPreferences during a build.

Explanation: Basic sample that shows a flag in the AppBar and a list of flags in the body. If the user clicks some kind of “select” icon, the user selection is saved in the SharedPreferences and the AppBar flag icon is refreshed accordingly.

Line 22: we get the information saved in the SharedPreferences from a Future; the output is used to draw the corresponding flag (lines 24–28).

Line 41: when the user presses a “selection” icon, the selected language is saved in the SharedPreferences, and we force a rebuild via setState().

Interesting gist:

Simon Lightfoot wrote a generic SharedPreferencesBuilder that I wanted to share (with his permission) with you:


As you can see, it is straightforward to use this package.

Keep in mind that Shared Preferences are not encrypted therefore, it is not recommended to put any sensitive data, such as a password for example.

Stay tuned for new articles and happy coding.

Didier (alias boeledi)

Other articles can also be found on my personal blog, also in French.

My Twitter: @DidierBoelens



Didier Boelens
Flutter Community

IT consultant - Software architect - Flutter enthusiast