🔥 Super Good Training: Learn from the Very Best 🦄

Arnab Raychaudhuri
Flutter Community


Mobile apps are an increasingly crucial way for brands to connect with loyal consumers and help operate their businesses. In fact, the average US consumer now spends more time using apps than watching TV!

Unfortunately, the cost of developing mobile apps is a burden for many businesses, driven by the need to build and maintain two totally separate teams and development processes. 🥊 Team Android vs Team iOS 🥊.

The result is often slow feature releases on all platforms and subpar experiences as managers try to coordinate multiple product teams. Exacerbating the resource issues, the global pandemic has forced companies to become leaner, further impair engineering output.

How do we release high quality apps with fewer resources?The fastest growing solution is Flutter!

While there have been many attempts at using a single codebase to handle all the screens, Flutter has been the fastest growing solution over the last two years. Flutter apps handle billions of users daily for top companies, and is one of the top 10 most popular technologies on all of GitHub!

At Very Good Ventures, we have been using Flutter since the beginning, and are the most experienced Flutter development team. We work with clients ranging from Hamilton, The New York Times, Betterment, and even the Flutter team itself.

As Flutter has grown, we’ve started to see more and more companies begin transitioning their engineering teams to Flutter. Clients have been asking us to not only help build their Flutter apps, but also help their teams become Flutter experts. So, we decided to share our expertise with the world with extremely successful results!

Testimonial: Good Money — Great Flutter Results

Introducing Super Good Flutter Training — built for engineering teams!

Today we are announcing our new formal Flutter training offering, Super Good Flutter Training, in collaboration with Super Declarative. The training accelerates Flutter expertise for teams using Flutter through hands-on expert training:

A Live Team Training Session
  • Training materials and facilitation from ex-Google Flutter team members and the most experienced Flutter development company.
  • Live multi-day intensive group training (remote or in-person).
  • Hands-on exercises and break outs from the experts
  • Post training support

To learn more about Super Good Flutter Training, check out our official Super Good Flutter Training website.

The end result is a cohesive engineering team that accelerates your mobile development.

Learn from the Best in Flutter — Martin Rybak and Matt Carroll:

Meet the Team: Matt Carroll + Martin Rybak

Our team combines unique under-the-hood knowledge of Flutter with unparalleled real world experience with Flutter at scale.

Matt Carroll of Super Declarative!

Matt Carrol is the founder of Super Declarative. Matt spent 3 years as an Android developer on the Google Nest Team. After realizing the power of Flutter, he became a developer and evangelist on the Flutter team at Google.

Matt saw Flutter education as a higher calling, so he left left Google to start Super Declarative. VGV is super excited to partner with such a high caliber Flutter engineer.

To learn more about Super Declarative!, click here.

Martin Rybak of Very Good Ventures

Martin Rybak, Engineering Director at VGV, has been working in mobile development for the last decade. He built and presented the first-ever public demo of Flutter for Web in collaboration with Google at Google I/O 2019. His Flutter love extends to founding the Flutter NYC meetup, International Flutter Hackathon, and is the technical editor of the upcoming “Flutter for Dummies” book.

Martin has been helping companies serve millions of users at Very Good Ventures.


Very Good Ventures (VGV) is an NYC-based development consultancy that has help companies take apps from ideas to massive scale. Here are a few of the companies we’ve built Flutter apps for:

And many more top performing apps…

To learn more about us click here.

Want to Learn More About Super Good Flutter Training?

Get in touch with us to see how guided expert training can accelerate your time-to-productivity with Flutter!

