Top 10 Flutter Articles of the Past Month (Oct 2018)

Marie Jaksman
Flutter Community
Published in
6 min readNov 12, 2018

Last month’s collection raised a lot of interests, therefore Nevercode developers have searched again the deep corners of the Internet to find great reads to help you master your Flutter skills.

Only two short months to Google’s Flutter Live event, it’s about time you jumped on the bandwagon and joined the fast movers because Flutter is serious and nothing’s going to stop them now!

#1 Deploy your Flutter apps

There’s nothing boring about Flutter, but that’s how the official Flutter development channel on YouTube is called: “The Boring Flutter Development Show”. This month, they have released a video showing how to publish your Flutter app to the Play Store. Check them out! This is the number 1 channel to keep yourself updated with Flutter developments.

The Boring Flutter Development Show

# 2 Test your Flutter apps

Testing your Flutter app may seem a tedious task, but it’s an essential part of creating and releasing a healthy app. Testing is what helps to ensure that users stick with your app. Period. (Not so) fun fact: Only 16% of users are willing to give a buggy app a second chance!

Painless Testing of Flutter Apps, by Shashikant Jagtap, XCTEQ

Successfully tested project in 2 min 11 seconds

“Flutter provides a great automated testing framework to test the app at unit, widget and integration level, and with CI/CD we can automate running the automated tests as part of continuous integration without any setup or configuration.”

# 3 Developer’s perspective to Flutter

What do real developers think about Flutter? Is all the buzz worth it? What’s there to love about Flutter and why?

I love you Flutter, by Shalom Yerushalmy, Hackernoon

Doctor summary

“I took Flutter for a round for the first time and I enjoyed every moment of it. Well, the syntax was different for me, but still liked it a lot. Here are my thoughts about my first experience with Flutter.”

# 4 Android engineer’s perspective to Flutter

Did you know that according to Flutter User Survey, 67% of Flutter users have Android background? This is an Android engineer’s experience with launching his first Flutter app. Read on about how difficult it is to get used to Dart and widgets coming from Android.

Launching my first Flutter app, by Dawid Kunicki, Tooploox Labs

“It’s worth considering Flutter when you need an application that works on both Android and iOS platforms. From my experience, it’s good to have some fair amount of time for the iOS configuration and release or even better ask the iOS developer to help you get the job done in Xcode.”

# 5 Flutter for dummies?

Having a solid background in Android or iOS development is good. But what if you don’t have any experience with writing apps? Flutter documentation states that one doesn’t need to have any previous coding skills to build Flutter apps. Michael Krol takes this statement for a spin. Read about how difficult it is to start your first Flutter project without any previous coding background.

Simple Recipes App made in Flutter — Introduction, by Michael Krol

Recipes App

“I want to show you how to create a recipes app by using Dart and Flutter and how easy it is. To follow the articles you do not need any previous experience in Dart and Flutter. It’s sufficient if you know basic approaches of object-oriented programming and basic command line knowledge.”

# 6 Flutter UX

One UX/UI design to rule them all? This would make every mobile app UX designer’s head spin. Yet, this post provides you with an effective survival kit for succeeding with your first Flutter project and provide killer user experience for both Android and iOS app.

Why analysing your product is essential when ux-designing Flutter apps, by Janine Rtz

iOS-centric UI design

“At first I panicked: The same codebase for an UX/UI design which should work on iOS just as well on Android? Until now, sharing code for user interfaces always resulted in poor user experiences. Can Flutter do better or are independent designing for iOS and Android still the way to go? I was very sceptical but also open and curious about that topic.”

# 7 Flutter & native

Flutter is great, but every so often you need to dip back into native code and display things that just aren’t possible inside Flutter. Custom fonts, for example. How to share fonts between Flutter and nNative? There are two options to save you from headache.

Sharing fonts between Flutter and Native, by Tony Owen

“Now your Flutter app, and your native sections can look the same without having to duplicate the font files.”

# 8 intl and intl_translation in Flutter

Good technical guide on how to internationalize and localize our Flutter apps with extensive code examples.

How to internationalize a Flutter app using intl and intl_translation, Mohammad, Phrase App

Stay in Touch” demo app

“I’ll assume you know the basics of Flutter and Dart here. While we’ll cover some Flutter concepts like InheritedWidget, we’ll mostly be looking at the specifics of Flutter i18n and l10n here.”

# 9 Flutter & Firebase

A line of code is worth more than a thousand words. This article gives a step-by-step guide to building a skeleton portable app in Flutter with Firebase.

How to use Firebase with Flutter, by Atul Sharma, 47Billion

Firebase + Flutter = ?

# 10 Flutter vs React Native

There are many Flutter vs React Native comparisons out there, but this post really presents a deep insight from a technical point of view.

Flutter vs React Native: A Developer’s Perspective, by Shashikant Jagtap, XCTEQ

React Native vs Flutter

“Score: React Native 4 — Flutter 6

It was very close indeed but Flutter is the winner of this competition. React Native fought back till the end but Flutter is the champion in today’s race!”

# BONUS: Flutter Q & A

This is a real gem. This new hot platform is raising some important questions that need to be answered. Deven has listed the most common questions and sometimes misconceptions about Flutter and app development with it.

Answering Questions on Flutter App Development, Deven Joshi

Flutter FAQ

“My personal opinion would be learn Android/iOS for a month or two and then start with Flutter.”

If you noticed some useful read about Flutter that we have missed, please share them in comments. 👏



Marie Jaksman
Flutter Community

Building a kick-ass #CICD service for #Android, #iOS, #Flutter and #Ionic #mobileapp #developers.