Top 10 Reasons Flutter Is Better For Your App Development

Ella Wilson
Flutter Community
Published in
6 min readDec 28, 2020
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Flutter is a mobile development framework that has become quite popular among coders across the world. It has all the elements from cross-platform and native development models to build robust applications in minimal time. Many businesses look to hire the Flutter app development company to build for them applications that serve a huge audience base. You can choose a firm that is affordable and fits the company’s requirements.

Table of Content

Flutter Numbers

Major Advantages For Choosing Flutter for New App Development


There are lots of advantages to using Flutter to build your application. In this post, we discuss some top 10 reasons for choosing Flutter when developing a new app. It will guide you through its many advantages and encourage you to choose this technology. Continue reading to find out more on this.

Flutter Numbers

  • According to Tim Sneath, product manager of Flutter and Dart at Google, over two million developers have been using Flutter in the last sixteen months since they released it.
  • According to his report, March saw a 10% month-over-month growth despite the circumstances arising because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, nearly half a million developers use Flutter to create mobile applications.
  • According to Statista, Flutter is the second most popular cross-platform mobile framework by developers worldwide. It also states that 39% of coders use Flutter, which is a 9% increase from last year.
Image Source: Statista
  • According to a survey by StackOverflow, 68.8% of developers love Flutter and have shown interest in continuing to develop in the technology. Flutter is one of the least dreadful and most wanted applications according to their numbers.
  • According to Google Trends, the interest in Flutter has been increasing over the past 12 months in the United States. As shown in the image below, blue is for Flutter and Red for React Native. The trend is almost the same in worldwide statistics.
Image Source: Google Trends
  • According to GitHub, Flutter has over 109k stars, which is a lot compared to other technologies. It is also one of the top 50 active repositories in GitHub.
  • These statistics reveal the growth in the use of Flutter for creating mobile applications. It is an emerging trend, and many coders seem to agree with this. This should encourage many mobile app development service providers to learn and offer Flutter app creation to their clients. Here are some other figures that will highlight the popularity of the technology.
  • According to Flutter, over 100,000 apps have launched since the technology was first introduced. The most popular Flutter App includes, Tencent, The New York Times app, Square, and Google Assistant.
  • According to Statista, 7.2% of developers use Flutter libraries, frameworks, and tools worldwide, as of early 2020.
  • According to research, Dart is the fastest growing language between 2018 and 2019. It is the language to use the Flutter framework. They estimate the total usage of massive 532% growth over the last two years.
  • Other popular Flutter applications include Alibaba Group and Google Ads, which has a combined volume of over 60 million downloads.

Major Advantages For Choosing Flutter for New App Development

There are lots of benefits of using Flutter for your App development for small and large-scale businesses. It clearly stands out as a popular cross-platform application development framework by many mobile app development service providers. Here we list some key points to enable designers and developers to see the advantages of Flutter.

Benefit #1 Open Source

Flutter is an open-source code software development toolkit from Google. It provides easy posting of issues and access to documentation from open developer forums. It helps Flutter programmers to learn and grow with the ever-changing population of developers who actively contribute to the platform. It increases the efficiency and productivity of the coder and results in less time and cost for the entire project.

Benefit #2 Single Codebase

Since it is a cross-platform framework, it allows programmers to write code once and they can use it on multiple platforms. This means that a single version of an application runs on both iOS and Android. This saves a lot of time and effort in writing code for different platforms, as with native frameworks. This consequently saves a lot on the overall cost of developing and launching the app.

Benefit #3 Dart As Programming Language

Flutter uses Dart as an object-oriented programming language to create apps. The prominent features of Dart include a rich standard library, garbage collection, strong typing, generics, and async-awaits. Dart is like Java and uses a lot of the popular features of other languages too. Its reactive programming style allows developers to complete their common tasks with ease.

Benefit #4 Hot Reload and Development

This is a unique feature to Flutter, where developers can see changes made to code instantly. Any updates are available to both the designers and developers in a matter of seconds. They do not have to wait for updates and can continue using the framework to develop other features with no interruptions. This boosts the developer’s productivity and reduces the time to create a robust application. This saves up a lot of cost in the overall development of the project.

Benefit #5 Native App Like Performance

When you hire mobile app developers to build applications on Flutter, you get fast execution on any platform. This is because it uses Dart programming language, which is fast, simple, and can easily compile into native code. It improves the performance of the application as compared to any other app development platform.

Benefit #6 Tech Community

There is a powerful community of developers who continuously work to contribute to making Flutter better. They make it easier for newcomers to enter and learn the framework. There are over 50 videos that can help build with the software toolkit. Anyone can effortlessly start developing an app with help from the team.

Benefit #7 Use of Custom Widgets

Flutter offers a myriad of widgets to help developers in their creation process. It makes designing a basic user interface much easier and faster. All you need to do is create a UI element once and it will adapt to different resolutions, screens, and platforms. You can even wrap one widget inside another to enable different functions.

Benefit #8 Attracts More Investors

Minimum viable product (or MVP) represents the basic functions and features of an application. An MVP that is built on Flutter is compatible across different platforms and provides a high-quality user experience. This attracts a lot of investors and enables them to fund your project.

Benefit #9 Create Apps for Mobile, Desktop, and Web

When you hire a Flutter app developer, you get the advantage of creating something that is highly adaptable. You can create applications for six different platforms simultaneously. This includes different operating systems like Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, Linux, and Web.

Benefit #10 Requires Less Testing

Normally testing would require checking on compatibility on different platforms. With Flutter, apps use a single code base with no change to run across different platforms. All one needs to do is to test a Flutter application just once and save a lot of time and money for the developer.


There are lots of reasons Flutter must be your first choice for developing a new mobile application. It is quickly becoming very popular because of its many benefits. You can read all about it in the post. It will guide you in making the right decision and choosing this technology for building a fresh application.

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Ella Wilson
Flutter Community

Business Consultant and Technical Content Strategist- | Mobile & Web Enthusiast, Tech Geek, Blogger by Passion. 14+ Years of Experience.