12 Top Tips To Create A Successful Mobile App In 2021

Karen Cartar
Flutter Community
Published in
12 min readJul 7, 2020
12 Top Tips To Create A Successful Mobile App In 2021

Hold on, iSteam and Zit Picker are all the apps true to their names. From here, it’s no more a secret that most of us spend to much time on our phones. And, for sure, it’s not all bad. Mobiles are incredible tools for keeping in touch with the dynamically changing world, informed about every moment and many a time productive too.

Indeed, the proliferation of app development and design brought millions of apps to fill your time and mobile. With over 5 million apps on different operating systems, businesses across the globe have recognized the importance of mobile apps. And at the same time, increasing numbers of the mobile apps on one different OS, also putting businesses in greater stress that where to launch their first app — Android, iOS or Windows? Or is it worth it to go for cross-platform applications? If yes, then what platforms are best to work on.

Every app type is different and requires different technologies and frameworks. Let’s assume here, you are going to launch a cross-platform app, then Flutter and React Native are the two biggest titans of the industry. Whereas, for Android native apps — JAVA is a preferred choice and so on.

However, if you are like most of the people, your phone has become your modern-day safety blanket.

If you are perplexed about a project or tired of standing in a queue?

Scroll down Instagram for a few minutes to get your mind off. Presently, the businesses targeted audience is mainly millennials and baby boomers.

You might be thinking “why”?

The respective comparison offers a clear picture as to why startups, midsize enterprises and established names in the hierarchy are looking for top mobile app development company.

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As an outcome, the app market turns increasingly competitive, and tedious for firms to be discovered in a sea of competition.

To be an undefeated competitor, it’s imperative to understand what it takes to make a successful mobile app.

Regards to its intrinsic nature, mobile is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal and simultaneously plays an unskippable role in society. It has become consumers favourite place, in fact, consumers spend 90% of their leisure time on mobile apps in comparison to a mobile-friendly website.

Simultaneously, businesses are now strategizing and optimizing around the mobile experience to build something that justifies with the rising needs of their customers.

As you know, there is an app for everything, right from senseless games to apps that keep track of your health, organize your daily tasks and even help you spy your better half. It won’t be surprising for you to know “mobile and tablets” are outselling desktops with no signs of this stopping — many among you would have their first experience of the web on the smartphone rather than desktop.

After all, what matters for businesses nowadays is “the mobile experience”. The earlier app development company used to consider responsive design as an efficient way to optimize the user experience across the board without developing separate apps for the different operating system or catering exclusively to app users.

But, the harsh truth is “responsive design can’t do it all”.

A mobile app provides an insight into the required information by the user, accommodate slower data speed and offer an inspiring and unparalleled user experience. Also, the right mobile app opens you up to a behemoth client base.

But the time when you stepped in the business domain, there were numerous answers behind every “why” awestruck in your mind:

  • The desire to build a start-up that holds the potential to revolutionize a specific market;
  • Build a product to manage and streamline the firm’s business processes;
  • The urge to abreast the competitive tangent;
  • Tap in the mobile market and use it as a path to allure the audience and maximize profits;

So, before I start funnelling down the list of resources to app development, it’s crucial to understand how to build an app that serves your business premium customers while providing grounds to acquire a new one.

Diego (an Argentine Entrepreneur and a co-founder of Livra) believes that 90 percent of apps installed are generated by just 10 per cent of the apps. In simple words, the odds of people discovering your app is like finding the needle in the haystack, stacked heavily against you.

He added, mostly, it doesn’t matter how good and original your app is, it’s probable only few people discover it and find it, which makes it more vital for you to have a marketing and distribution plan.

For a moment I was also awestruck to know that in Apple stores, app rankings are primarily based on app velocity. So, in order to rank topmost your app should generate behemoth installations in a short amount of time. Practically, it’s next to impossible but with some sort of exogenous help like marketing and advertising, alignment of the stars can work wonders for you!

So, with years of experience promoting apps from big names to niche titles, the experts know which app will make it or break it. Although, accomplishing a quick burst of app downloads doesn’t promise you a long-haul success.

You must be praying for a secret key to unbox paramountly success? No, but there are eleven tips to put you on the right track sooner than later.

1. Offer Value Of The Time

Users always run low on time. All they want is speed and flexibility, but their limited smartphone storage confines them still. So, to scale the unscalable, your app must gratify real customer value at every step to spruce loyalty.

Your app should act as a one-size-fits-all solution that is easy to fit in numerous situations — shopping online, booking a cab, paying a utility bill or reserving a table — wrapped with a handful of seamless features is most alluring.

The core objective should be “ubiquity”. So, to make an app adhering to the same principle, hire app developers that are well-versed with creating an all-in-one platform eclipsing multiple functions. The functions like pre-ordering payments, loyalty, coupons and feedback — all these functions under one umbrella, and update itself with every transaction.

2. Virality Should Be The DNA Of The App

Have you ever wondered what should be DNA of your app? “Virality features” as 2021 cliche goes.

To match footsteps with dynamically changing arena, integrate some proven viral mechanism in the core functionality of the app to curate its niche in every smartphone. It probably means the app is better or more captivating when users invite friends to use it.

Look for Instagram and WhatsApp — Both apps are just fun if users can get their friends to use it. Same follows for the successful app too.

3. The App Should Be A Problem Solver

Every app that curates a niche in the digital landscape adheres to be a problem solver.

Although, when it’s about mobile strategy, it’s advised to think “BIG”. Pen down your questionnaire for the problem you want your app to solve for users and how it proves to be boon in simplifying their lives. But, keep in mind that your app represents you making it most important to keep it original or improvising on the sketch of your competitor app.

Your app needs to carry a sense of purpose and tick the boxes of requirements of your clientele. Don’t gush down your money, building a clone app that acts as a Bermuda triangle in the sea flooded with apps.

It’s a clear thumb rule; if the app does not have a specific use or purpose, it will end uninstalled or being irrelevant to the user.

Before funnelling down your final app sketch, do homework with trusted mobile app development company to find your customer’s potential points or roadblocks in their path of purchasing. Moreover, this offers a comprehensive insight into the problems your mobile app could be developed to resolve.

4. Focus On What’s Needed

In the subtle difference between the best and good apps, the only difference “best apps” usually follow is “do one thing”, but do it precisely and accurately. Elegant, yet focused apps work wonders because users are nod fed with any additional and unnecessary features cluttering their experience.

Apps build with core focus hold the potential to turn odds into your favour by maximizing resources. Also, they flawlessly gratify the one thing that your user is in the utter need of.

So, pay attention to what’s the upthrust to create an app in the first place. Next, comes what will be your app’s USB (Until Something Better)?

It all starts with identifying and understanding the worth your app holds, building a core action, and making it an ice-breaker to complete and repeat. Don’t forget the most successful apps are the ones that outperform their response and abide their purpose better.

If the user decides to add more features, these can be follow up by adding features in the soon coming updates of the app. This strategy allows you to launch a great app with extensive feature faster and shows that you are inclined to making your app — user’s safety blanket.

5. “Free” — Simple, Make It Free

Want to Upped the odds of users downloading your app?

Simple, make it free.

Everyone likes to download apps without spending a penny. It offers them a chance to test your app, look for the outlook and features without any risk. Approximately, all allow users to download the app for free at first.

On the contrary, making your app free doesn’t assure you great success; it can certainly maximize the number of people who are ready to try your app. Therefore, upholding the chances for your app to be a buzzing word of the era.

Of course, that doesn’t mean you can’t earn money from your app or your breakthrough is to use ads. Providing a free basic app is the key to hook the user and upsurge attraction. If a user finds its value, they will not think twice to pay for the app to unlock content, extensive features or in some musical apps purchase an ad-free version.

6. Simple Attract The Eyes

While talking about the app success, the unskippable aspect is client retention.

Convinced yet?

To understand it better, let’s delve in the following average retention curve for Android apps.

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Following the trends, the average app losses 77 percent of users within the first three days. By the time, first month wraps 90 per cent of the original users go wane.

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As charting from the top Android apps, the argument still holds water. In the android app development solution arena, the leading apps still observe a sharp decline in active users in three days of time; afterwards, the number uplands. Also, they don’t bleed new users upfront, which years them to survive a significant portion of users.

So, now you understand why simple apps are great at maintaining the client retention rate.This is why you should be aiming at keeping the apps simple.

Simple apps are proven efficient and practical tools to deliver unparalleled user experience. Apps are innately task-oriented in nature and are used to streamline processes. Thus, in the case of mobile apps, less is ample.

Users crave efficiency, and if your app is not easy to use it often results in users abandoning it. So hire mobile app developers to develop a convenient user interface with exclusive functionality, the simpler it’s delivered, the better and more successful your app happens to be.

Lastly, the healthy reminder to uphold client retention rate is to keep your app simple and give users no reason to look for some competitor app.

7. Welcome Clients Thoughts With A Feedback Channel

Clients words and feedback should always be welcomed.

In-app communication systems are a common feature in most of the top-ranking apps. A ready to access and intuitive customer service channel holds the abilities to improve the user experience.

Nevertheless, it’s essential to create a channel for communication, ratings and reviews, and feedback. By allowing users to connect to get the right assistance, you can minimize the chances of negative user experience and exponentially boost app retention. Not just this, creating an easy to navigate and use feedback channel within the app motivates communication with the user and helps prevent negative public reviews.

To taste real success, make the process as dynamic and seamless as possible within a minimum number of action and text inputs.

8. Develop For Both OS

It’s exceptionally crucial for app’s unmountable success that your strategy encompasses the two most famous Operating System — iOS and Android. And, one effective way to do this is to implement a cross-platform app development framework.

And few of the top choices of frameworks that you can choose to develop your cross-platform app are FLUTTER, REACT NATIVE, VUE and MORE.

However, here if you ask about my personal choice, then I would prefer to go with Flutter as it comes with a “Hot reload” feature that adds more flexibility and ease in app development. Without saving your file, you can view the changes in the coding with this features. And secondly, it is a baby of GOOGLE and based on the Dart language, which is quite easy to understand, implement and has a great future ahead.

Are you wondering why cross-platform should be a considerable choice?

It’s because cross-platform app development is a perfect choice to minimize the time and costs related to developing apps for Android and iOS separately.

9. Integrate Offline Functionality

Mobile apps rely on internet availability. Although the internet is ubiquitous nowadays, it is more than essential that your app jell well with all the functions being offline. Access to features and contents offline gratifies a significant advantage and allow you to quickly access fostering a positive user experience which is definitive for app success.

10. High Performance Should Be The Milestone

In defining the parameters of a successful app, performance is one of the magnificent predictors of mobile app success.

Poor performance often leads to a negative user experience costing you revenue, brand reputation and downloads. According to Dimensional Research, it’s found that 80% of app user only attempt to use a problematic or poorly working app. For this specific reason, it’s is mandatory your app works seamlessly.

Your app must be consistent in its performance to maintain or improve the user experience. Your mobile app must launch the first time quickly and should exponentially eliminate the waiting time for users. Also, it’s important to abreast any debugging issues, crashes or slow performance. Make sure you optimize your app for high performance and continuously test and retest your app, again and again, to make sure it’s performance well.

11. Test! Test! Test! Your App

Testing your app before launching in the market is vital.

Probably, there are chances that users might not use your app the same way you intended. For this specific reason, it’s mandatory to undergo user testing to have an in-depth understanding of how users are using your app.

Further, in the later stage of development, you can make your app available to a bigger audience for testing. It is for sure going to help you gain a deep understanding of your customer’s need, the context of using the app, and the roadblocks, acting as a key to developing a successful app.

Thus, gathering these deep insights can also help in making sure you have the most effective user interface for the app.

12. Path The Right Marketing Strategy

Irrespective of groundbreaking, flawless, or optimized your app is — if no one uses it, it won’t be successful. Don’t keep a room for mistakes of starting your marketing plan once your app is created.

Reliable marketing will help you drive app new installations and re-engage target users. It’s crucial to plan on getting the word out early to create anticipation for your app, then do a big push right before launching.

Successful apps are promoted and tested well from trusted software development company before they hit the store.

So, it’s recommended to divide your marketing plan into respective campaigns phases:

  • Pre-launch
  • Launch
  • post-launch

So, make sure you plan everything perfectly to reach your target audience.

In The End ….

I understand App development is not a walk down the aisle, but it’s not rocket science too. So, to help you sustain the behemoth waves of dynamically changing technology, it’s essential to ace the unfurl secrets of app development.

Don’t forget it’s the key to build a sustainable online business across several platforms to crack elusive top apps.

But, come up with something freshly brewed idea — Hold On is already taken.




Karen Cartar
Flutter Community

Passionate Blogger | Business Strategies | Tech Writer. Write on trending technologies like Blockchain, IoT, AI, AR, VR, Machine Learning, Data Science