Types of construtors in dart

Alberto Azinar
Flutter Community
Published in
4 min readMay 16, 2022

Despite the fact that a lot of developers and roadmaps recommend learning dart principles first and then moving on to flutter (since this is a dart framework and uses dart principles), many developers prefer learning both simultaneously to be able to build mobile apps.

This article addresses one of the Dart concepts, the constructors. There are some similar aspects (about constructors) to languages like java and c++ (if you come from them) and there are completely different aspects too.

So, Let’s get started…

Type #1 — Initializing the class members inside the constructor body

This constructor is similar to the one we use in other programming languages such as Java and C++, because we initialize our class members inside the constructor body. Using this type, you have to either declare the class members as late, late finalor nullable types:

declaring class members as late type:

declaring class members as late final type:

we are going to initialize the members later (at the contructor body) and only once.

declaring class members as nullable type:

initializing the members with null and reassigning them at the constructor body

But what if this class members types get in your way?

Then, maybe the most common type helps you. That’s where our second constructor type comes in.

Type #2: Initializing the members before the constructor body

This means that before our constructor body, we already have our class members initialized.

Constructor with empty body

This syntax is really good because you don’t have to declare your members as late, late final or nullable to be able to initialize them at the constructor.

Notice that we are using the keyword this in the parameters, because we are using the same members names, and that’s where the magic happens. If you use a different name (or not using this keyword) the compiler won’t recognize it as a member initialization.

If you decide not to have a body in your constructor, just end the constructor declaration with a semicolon like in the code above.

Avoid this:

it’s better to use semicolon instead of curly braces on empty bodies.

This is good:

Type #3: Named constructors and Factory Constructors

I added this two types in the same section because there is already a medium article that talks about this two constructors. Even so, I’m going to summarize about Named constructors because I’ll need them to explain the next constructor type.

Named constructor are like normal constructor, but with a name. If you come from a language like java, you can have multiples constructors with the same name but differing on the type and number of the parameters. Unfortunately, we cannot do that in Dart, that’s why we have named constructors to help us working in a similar way (having multiples constructors).

initial is a named constructor

You can use a named constructor to set default values of certain instances of this class. For instance, the initial named constructor that assigns the value 20 to all the created instances using this constructor.

Type #4 — Redirecting Constructors

As the name suggest, this type of constructors redirects to another constructor.

The body of redirecting constructors must be empty.

newborn creates an object that represents the new baby

Yes! the redirecting constructor is similar to the named constructor, but it is more powerful because it can call the other constructor (avoiding code repetition). In this case, the redirecting constructor call the default constructor that creates an object with an age of zero (0) years old by default.

The this(name,0) represents Person(this._name,this._age); constructor we defined earlier.

Type #5: const constructors

Const constructors are used to assign values to final members, and a class that only has final members is called immutable class.

const constructor initializing members of immutable class

This constructor requires final members, if we pass it non final parameters the compiler can throw an error.

Instantiating the class using the const constructor:

Notice we used the const keyword before the constructor name, that’s because it is required using it when instantiating the class using the const constructor. If we do not use the const keyword, we will create an object but not using the const constructor.

this is wrong if we want to instantiate the class using the constant constructor:

Even though the Person constructor is not the const constructor we defined, we cannot reassign the member’s values because they are final


Having this types (and more), we have to able to choose the type that most satisfy our need when coding, although the most recommended and most used type is the type #2.

For instance, if you know that your class members will never change, you should declare them as final members and using an const constructor to assign them.

Happy Coding.

If you have any doubts or you may thing something is missing, you can contact me on twitter or telegram. I would be happy to talk to you about it.

Everything is a Widget!

