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Flutter Community
Articles and Stories from the Flutter Community
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Design System from scratch in Flutter
Design System from scratch in Flutter
Initially, many solutions are available to create a Design System for your app in Flutter. I want to share my experience with Design…
Kanan Yusubov
Nov 6
Widget Refactoring in Flutter: Helper Methods vs Separate Widgets
Widget Refactoring in Flutter: Helper Methods vs Separate Widgets
Table of Conten
Wafa Mohamed
Oct 8
Keys in Flutter
Keys in Flutter
In Flutter, we’ve Keys associated with every widget we use and they’re optional. In this article, we’ll explore what do they do or why they…
Saurabh Pant
Oct 6
Rethinking our understanding of Exceptions and Errors in Flutter
Rethinking our understanding of Exceptions and Errors in Flutter
Is there a better way to handle errors other than a grand try/catch all? Let’s explore what are errors and how we can handle them in…
Gonçalo Palma
Sep 30
Boost your Flutter app with the newest Dart version
Boost your Flutter app with the newest Dart version
Developer tips for writing high-quality Dart code in Flutter
Sep 16
Stateful Shell Navigation with Go Router: The Ultimate Guide
Stateful Shell Navigation with Go Router: The Ultimate Guide
Building a great system warrants a greater Navigation System.
Dhruvam Sharma
Sep 16
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Creating an Input Formatter for Chunking Text Input in Flutter
Creating an Input Formatter for Chunking Text Input in Flutter
Format an IBAN with automatic offset adjustment
Sep 2
15 Useful Libraries for Flutter Development Productivity [Updated 2021]
15 Useful Libraries for Flutter Development Productivity [Updated 2021]
Flutter is an open source framework created by Google that uses the Dart language for the development of applications for Android, iOS…
Lucas Alves
Oct 27, 2021
Build a Custom Bottom Navigation Bar in Flutter with Animated Icons from Rive
Build a Custom Bottom Navigation Bar in Flutter with Animated Icons from Rive
Today I will show you how to build this custom bottom navigation bar in Flutter with animated icons from Rive.
The Flutter Way
Jan 7
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