Flutter: Create an Agreement View

Copy, Paste & Move On

Jody McAlister
Flutter Town


This example is for those that need to have the user accept an agreement or terms of use statement before proceeding. The user has the ability to click on an X to cancel the agreement or to click AGREE and continue forward with the app.

I’ve included the generic main.dart file as I hate incomplete examples. This app is comprised of 3 files: main.dart, myApp.dart and agreementDialog.dart.

Hopefully I can save you time trying to work this aspect of your app and move on to more difficult tasks. Copy, Paste and Move On!

I do recommend you spend some time at one point examining the code and know what is happening.

This code is from an app I published in both App stores. It works equally well in both platforms. I leave it to you to pretty it up!

I’m going to save a step and import “agreementDialog.dart” as fullDialog (line 2 in myApp.dart) to simplify my call later in the code to the class createAgreement in agreementDialog.dart.

