All the Flutter news from a busy Google I/O 2024

Catch up on all the big product updates, new resources, and success stories announced at Google I/O 2024

Michael Thomsen
3 min readMay 30, 2024


It’s hard to believe that Google I/O 2024 was already two weeks ago. We couldn’t be more grateful for the Flutter community’s support — the energy was uplifting!

Flutter logo illustration

We shared a lot of product updates, resources, developer stories, technical sessions, and workshops, across several blogs, videos, and events — and we know it can be tough to keep track of it all.

Below, you’ll find an overview of everything we shared at Google I/O 2024, as well as updates on locations and dates for events where you might be able to connect with us and other Flutter community members at I/O Connect in Berlin, Bengaluru, Beijing, and I/O Extended events all summer long.

Blog posts

We launched four new blog posts across the Dart and Medium blogs:

We also partnered with the Android team on a blog post to offer some guidance on how to choose the right framework for your project; Flutter, Jetpack Compose, and Kotlin Multi-Platform:

Google I/O talks, codelabs, and workshops

The main Google I/O event featured a selection of exciting talks on Dart and Flutter. We recommend starting with the What’s new in Flutter keynote, and then moving on to our five technical sessions, which feature topics such as CameraX, adaptive UI, AI agents, Gemini, and app deep links.

We also have three new codelabs, all focused on creating casual games with Flutter. They can help you get started with 2D physics and adding sound & music. For even more detail, check out the new 2D physics games workshop.

New Flutter showcase stories

The Flutter Showcase exhibits a selection of Flutter apps that illustrate compelling user experiences you can create with Flutter across mobile, web, and desktop. We added four new showcase stories for Google I/O 2024:

  • Universal Studios: Universal Studios build next generation experiences with Flutter
  • Supercell: Flutter helps Supercell reduce Supercell ID core code size by 45%
  • Etermax: Etermax boosts developer efficiency with Flutter
  • Virgin Money: Virgin Money unifies app development with Flutter

I/O Connect events

Google I/O did not end with the main event at Shoreline in Mountain View, California, USA. There are a number of Google I/O community events across the globe, plus Google I/O Connect events planned in three locations:

  • I/O Connect Berlin, Germany on 27 June 2024
  • I/O Connect Bengaluru, India on 17 July 2024
  • I/O Connect Beijing, China on 7–8 August 2024

The Dart and Flutter teams will be represented at all three I/O Connect events, and we hope to connect with many of you! If you’d like to join an event, make sure to register. We look forward to connecting!



Michael Thomsen

Product Manager working on Dart and Flutter. Helping developers is my passion!