Announcing the Flutter Puzzle Hack winners!

Drumroll please…!!!

Kelvin Boateng
3 min readApr 21, 2022


The Flutter puzzle hack logo

The Flutter Puzzle Hack asked participants to push their creativity to its limits by reimagining a classic slide puzzle. It’s safe to say the submissions blew the judges away!

Over 5,500 developers representing 120+ countries, and a range of experience levels participated in the Flutter Puzzle Hack. Before sharing the category winners, we want to celebrate everyone who participated in the challenge. Yet again the Flutter community came together to build something special. We gathered for talks covering animations, Firebase hosting, and slide puzzle basics. And then it was great to see Flutter developers building an incredible array of slide puzzles, sharing highlights along the way, and voting for your favorites. Thank you all!

It’s amazing to be part of such a passionate and creative community. Who knew there were so many different ways to build a simple slide puzzle game?? 🤷‍♂️

Without further ado… it’s time for the winners!

Category Winners

Best Execution

Planets by Jyotirmoy Paul

A Flutter Puzzle Hack Winner

This project impressed the judges on many levels with its excellent use of animation, code quality, and pure creativity. On top of the code itself, Jyotirmoy shared some great learning moments along the way — check it out if you’re interested.

Most Creative

The Werewolves Escape by Ahmad Ayaz Noor and team

A Flutter Puzzle Hack Winner

This feature-rich project combined the best of Flutter across web, mobile, and desktop. The storyline took the slide puzzle game to a completely new level of fun. Check out their submission page for more information on what this team learned as they built this project.

Best Animation / Design

Retro Slide Puzzle by Ashish Beck

A Flutter Puzzle Hack Winner

This puzzle’s extra-polished visuals caught the judges’ attention right away. The project incorporates smooth Rive animations, sound plug-ins, auto-complete, and other features that make it incredibly satisfying to play.

Best Multiplatform

Slide Party by Duong Bui Dai

A Flutter Puzzle Hack Winner

Ever wanted to compete with your friends to see who can solve a slide puzzle the fastest? This puzzle lets you do just that! Not only that, but the players don’t even need to be on the same device or operating system, thanks to the flexibility of Flutter.

Over 40 Winners!

While these were the category winners, it was almost impossible to select from so many creative ideas. There were more than thirty other named winners of the Flutter Puzzle Hack, and many other great entries besides. Head to to see the winners and try their puzzles yourself!

